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Percy hit the ground hard, but his feet took it. He raised Riptide and pointed it at Orion.

Pretty heroic entrance, until Leo Valdez ruined it.

He jumped down, waving a wrench, yelling "Flame On!"

Then he landed face first onto the wet grass. He sat up and grinned, then spat mud from his mouth.

"Okay," Percy grumbled, "why are you here?"

"C'mon, Aquaman!" Leo complained, "Why not?"

Thalia rolled her eyes, she muttered, "boys."

Percy kicked Leo and said, "I was talking to Orion."

"I'm here to destroy the hunters and amazons, but now since you're here, you too," Orion said. He drew his bow, which was made of pulleys and bunch of strings. Gears began turning and spinning. 

Thalia took the first hit, she and a female girl attacked. Percy recognized her as Hylla. Thalia drew her bow and shoot some arrows. Orion easily deflected them. 

The female's golden belt glowed, she kicked Orion in the face. Orion backhanded the girl like she was a fly. 

She fell to the ground with a sickening crunch, but somehow she got to her feet.

"I am Hylla!" she yelled, "Queen of the Amazons!"

She grabbed a short fallen tree and threw it at Orion as if she was splashing water on him. Orion staggered backward, but he shook the tree off of him. 

"Hylla Twice Kill," he admitted, "you have courage. But it will not last."

"Like you're life won't," Percy snarled.

He and Thalia drew swords. Thalia slung her bow across her back. She unsheathed a bronze blade. 

Thalia unleashed her Ageis.

The Medusa face molded into it was so terrible, Percy tried not to cower before him. Orion trembled a little bit at it, then threw his head back and laughed.


He drew a black arrow and released it at a young girl. The point buried itself in her gut. She collapsed on the floor, orange hair covering her face. Percy could see her shaking violently, then stopped. 

She didn't move again.

Percy felt a surge of outrage. Thalia screamed so loudly, Percy and several hunters put their hands to their ears.

"YOU, VILE-" she yelled. Before she could finish, she unleashed a hail of arrows. 

The Hunters shook themselves out of shock and attacked.

Percy and Hylla steadied their swords and charged at Orion. Behind them, were Amazons, carrying spears, hunting knives, and sword. 

Percy didn't notice anything. He was too busy attacking Orion. Out of everyone, Percy and Hylla were seemed to be Orion's greatest challenge. 

Thalia kept shooting silver arrows out of nowhere then disappearing when Orion swatted at her. 

The ground was littered with bodies of the fallen. Only 5 out of-what, 50 girls were remained. Orion was that hard to fight. 

He had a couple cuts, but otherwise wasn't even winded. Percy Jackson and Hylla were out of breath.

"Zoey and Kathleen," Hylla ordered, "flee now."

"But," a girl with black hair complained, "I need to help! I ca-"

"I know you can," Hylla ordered, "Just leave. I couldn't bear it if you died."

The 2 girls looked personally offended, then they fled.

Okay, I only did that so I wouldn't have to worry about including a lot of people. I mean, sheesh, this is hard! I apologize for not adding McShizzle in the combat and I will do it under this quick Author Note.

Never mind, I'm making a new chapter.

Question: In which book, did Leo and Hephaestus meet? Also, say which series, PJO or HOO

First to answers wins a shoutout.

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