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*winces shamefully*



if you're not familiar with me, my chosen name is Rush and I do weird-ass things like hang glowsticks from my hair and create gay dragon OCs when I'm bored.

and this is my Randomness book...#5?? Looks like it


I was gonna say that I talk too much but that was the title of my fourth book, so...


Kill me


This is where you can find all my lunacy about fandoms, life stuff, random thoughts, and more! Basically the only things i don't talk about in this book is...

-my art, because i have a separate book for that

-my writing, because i will make a separate book for that as soon as it becomes relevant

Other than that, this is the crashpad for all the random shit that goes through my mind :D

aLSO i feel the need to warn y'all

i am insane

like no

literally insane

my personality is split up into these different characters whom i mentally talk to all the time

Naomie's my goofy fangirl side who loves shipping and art

Rochelle is the sarcastic author side who's too grumpy for her own good

Nina is the depressed, angsty side, who robs me of my motivation and rlly rlly likes drawing gore

and Rush is the combination of all of them, aka my persona

I'm pretty sure most of the people reading this already know me pretty well, but if you don't, now you do


The Chronicles of Rush: part 5Where stories live. Discover now