me,, rambling about mcsm yet again

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alright hi so I don't think I mentioned this but after three years of me rotting in the MCSM fandom, my best friend is finally playing it

we've made it all the way to s2 ep 4 and I'm proud of her but anyways I noticed something in Below the Bedrock and my entire thought process has basically been just '???????'


The thingy that takes away Admin powers

I'm confused as fuck

Because i never noticed this before, but in Fred's journal in the cabin, he says he found something that could take away Romeo's powers

Idk maybe this was just me, but I always assumed he made it?? cause,, magic and stuff??

But no it's canon that he found it

And uh

I have questions????????

If that's the case, how did Romeo take Xara's powers?? Where the FUCK did Fred find this thing?? How did he know what it would do???

Why were we not given ANY backstory on the Admins?? It doesn't seem like they were Admins when they were still friends in the cabin, so when and how did they get said powers???

I'm being extra salty because if he DID find it and not make it...

-that fucks up some things I had planned for Parallels

-that fixes some things I was considering for The Lesser Evil


There's another thing that really bothers be about season 2. The plotholes.

I mean don't get me wrong, s2 is great. Just. I wish there were things that matched up a little better.

(And yes I'm still salty af about the Warden's death because cOME ON WHERE IS HIS IMPLIED BACKSTORY DID YOU HAVE TO ROB US OF THAT)


*lays on floor* i want to knnnooooowwww thiinnnnggggsssss,, this isn't faaaaiiiirrrrr



Probably not healthy for me to still be so deep in this fandom lol

Also I keep internally laughing because despite having literally no contact with the game before, Genna mostly made the same choices that I do in my normal run

The main difference seems to be that she's not as fond of the villains lOL

There was little to no hesitation in...

-exposing the Order's lies

-throwing Aiden off the edge

-standing to the side while everyone else tried to save Cassie

-incriminating Harper

-correcting Stella about their '''''rivalry''''' and then leaving her trapped in the ice

-being as bitchy to/about Romeo as possible

And I'm just over here laughing because jesus christ genna I know you aren't as attached to this as I am but do you have a soul

Jk jk I'm fully aware that most of the above list aren't redeemable in any way

*looks awkwardly at my plan for The Lesser Evil*

Also it's weird because of the two Big Major Choices at the end of episode five, I'm pretty fucking sure I know what she's going to do for the last one, but I have no idea what she's gonna do for the other

And I don't want to actually say either of those choices because I honestly think it's better without spoilers but

Yeah I don't know I'm tired

Until the next burst of randomness,


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