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Malcolm's POV:

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Malcolm's POV:

After Ari said "we need to talk," I said "Yep. I'm pretty sure I already know what you're gonna say... 'cept for a name."

She said "ok.... but before I start... I want you to know that I know about Mia. Like... I'm ok with it, but when I tell you some things... I don't want you to freak out. I didn't freak out on you when I found out about her. We actually had a really amazing night together the day I heard about it."

Excuse me? She's known all this time and didn't immediately kill me??? Whoa... I think I know what night she's talking about... our nights haven't been real amazing lately. 

Now I know why she cried that night when we.... 😔

I'm not overly shocked though. Because Mia works for a designer and they have so many interactions with celebrities and their assistants.... people knew about it. That's how it is in Hollywood. If you're gonna step out, understand that people will know. Don't want people to know? Don't do it. 

I thought about asking her how she found out... I decided to let that go. I didn't show any emotion, I just kept looking at her. 

I said "ok... so you know about her." 

Ari said "yeah...... soooo..... here we are."

Her eyes filled with tears and she looked away. Then she looked at me and said "I'm moving to New York.... well I'll be kinda bicoastal. I'm gonna start this week.... I met someone. I mean, I already knew him but... we're gonna be together. I just... I think you and I both know there's no way we can stay together through my promo and both our tours again. I was already having some anxiety about it... but when I found out about Mia I knew for sure.... we just can't. And now you're using again too........"

I totally agree... I felt relief... but also so much guilt about her knowing about Mia. Jason would be so disappointed with me... but say what now??? Moving to NY?? That was the last thing I expected to come out of her mouth. What the fuck? She seriously just told me right now that she's moving to NY be with someone she already knew. So it's probably someone I know. Someone who obviously felt like the bro code of not getting with your friend's girl didn't apply to him. I was starting to feel angry, hurt and upset, but I decided to try to remain emotionless. Having that focus of remaining calm, was calming.

I said "and this person is.... ?"

She said "Pete.... Pete Davidson."

WHAT!!?? All my efforts to remain calm immediately went running for the hills... they peaced out. What in the actual fuck?? Pete Davidson??? I didn't freak though. I took some breaths and sat there looking at her... trying to process this. Not only are Pete and I friends, he's been dating Cazzie David for the last two years. She's an absolute saint and stuck by his side when he hit rock bottom last year (sound familiar?) He has borderline personality disorder. His drug addiction issues are as bad, or maybe even worse than mine. Karma was like "yeahhhh man.... all that- AND it's a guy from SNL too!! Damn, I'm so fuckin' good!!!" 

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