🌈 What if???... In a perfect world.

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To everyone who has waited for this alternative ending, thank you so much for your patience! This wasn't my idea, it was the brainchild of reader macandari. She suggested a chapter with Mac surviving his overdose, and I was intrigued. This story does intermesh with my main story, so you need to read that one for it to make sense.

 To all my readers, thank you, thank you, thank you for your love and dedication to my story. It means a lot to me ♥️

I wish Malcolm was here, the world isn't the same without him. But we can dream and we can imagine a world like that.... 

                                          can't we? ☁️☁️☁️

                                          can't we? ☁️☁️☁️

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Malcolm's POV:

You know how people who have near death experiences say they felt like they were floating up? And they saw white lights that were beckoning them to come.... come to the light?

Yeah... that shit true. All of it. 

"Well now and forever the moment's gone and time runs out... and then it hits you with the pain. The things are great on the way up, but nobody is with you when you're on the way down. You got what you wished for, is that what you really wanted?"

~Sponge from "Rainin'"

After I did the last two lines and laid down on my bed, I was pretty sure that was it. Either I did enough to... or this was some bad shit. It was hitting way different. I was only breathing in short little gasps, it felt like all systems were winding down. My throat felt like it was closing ever so slowly....... so this was what I was hoping for.. right? 



I felt panicky for a second.. like no... wait... but I decided to go with it. I felt like I was falling asleep, but I was immediately jolted awake. I felt myself floating upwards until I was at my ceiling, hovering over myself lying on my bed. I saw a guy writhing around, curled up in the fetal position. A guy who a year ago, performed in front of 60,000 people at Coachella and who was blissfully living his best life with his soulmate. Now look at him. 

Alcoholic. Addict. Broken.


I could already see the headlines: "Mac Miller, found dead from apparent overdose at 26." My parents and brother.... devastated beyond belief... my friends, full of grief and writing tributes on Twitter.... TMZ copters flying over my house... my neighbors standing outside, silently. And my fans.. they thought I was doing so good.... because just yesterday I told them in an interview I was doing so, so good. Welp... like usual, I was lying.  

I started to feel this soft warmth come over me, like how the sun feels on the beach at around 5:00 in the afternoon. It was comforting and welcoming. Then... I was bathed in these bright white lights, I felt this magnetic pull towards them. I was kinda stoked about that part. Tbh... I wasn't sure if I'd be going to heaven, or if heaven even exists. I thought I could vaguely see my Poppy's face and I got excited, but.... he didn't look happy to see me. He was shaking his head, he looked disappointed and sad. 

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