#2 - Me and Hell

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What exactly was hell? Was it a place? Was it a feeling? When we used the word hell, we didn't need any other explanation because the next thought that would follow was bad. Any human would imagine something terrible, horrible, maybe even picturing someone being tortured.

My hell was the most common on earth, school. My feet were hurting from the run I did to the school field. You see, the thing is, my school didn't have assembly on the assembly ground. We did it on our field, under the scorching hot sun.

We lined up in threes, then stood until the assembly was over. As the choir sang choruses, we would march like soldiers to our classes. But then again, it was a school run by the military.

After the long march to the classes, we would still go back to the school gates where our bags were usually dropped on entering and then stand in a long line for the bags to be searched, it was unnecessarily tiring.

When I got to my class, it was loud like every other morning, with my classmates making needless noise that always attracted the Ratings.

The Ratings were naval officers who walked around the school with sticks for whooping our asses, backs and the common hand. I call them, Devils In Blue; No, I didn't ever call them that, but wouldn't that be cool? My class was like a magnet that drew these men in. Their canes were hell, some weren't.

"Class sit up!" That was usually yelled by anyone who saw the naval officer first, it was common instincts. The whole class froze, hands flying up to assume the posture of one driving a bike, straight as a ruler. Anyone standing stayed in their position and the unfortunate ones carrying tables from one place to the other, had to freeze with the tables in mid-air.

In less than 3 minutes my arms were burning, this was horrible, and when the releasing other "Sit easy." was called, I dropped my arms with a sigh, the pain fading away slightly.

Sooner than later the Rating left, and the noise rose. "Did you hear about the fight?" Glory Walter my long-time seat partner perked as she spun around. A small smile gracing her small dark lips which complemented her plumpy face perfectly, her ebony skin shone and felt as smooth as always.

"Who fought who?" I arched my eyebrows, lifting my cheeks with both palms as I laid my arms on the table supporting my fat head.

Glory fully turned around, ready to spill the details. "Joseph and Arome, I heard it was so bad that Arome's face is still red." Laughter came from beside us and we turned our attention to our crazy friend Love.

Love was the only light skinned one in the group. She was one to talk a lot and smile at everything, she was smart and sweet but had a thing for pissing us off. Then again, who didn't have annoying characteristics. We all did one thing of the other that our friends never really liked or still do them. But friends are like a leech and a fresh blood-filled body part, they stick together no matter what. "What's funny?" Glory furrowed her brows in confusion.

At the moment, Love was doubled over in laughter. "How did his black face turn red?" She managed to gasp out while I still caught none of the humour and pursed my lips. What an odd child she was.

"Fish," I rolled my eyes at her still laughing form before turning back to Glory. "What else?" My dark friend shrugged lightly, pursing her lips in thought. "But sha, Arome still beat Joseph a little."

I felt the pang, the pang I always tried to ignore. It was fully there, and I was annoyed with myself. I hated the fact that I had this attraction to Joseph. Yes, he was cute. Yes, he was nice-ish but he was bad.

When I say bad, I mean grinding girls, kissing people, touching female bad. He even dated one of my friends, he was horrible. But I still fell for him, his stupid smile and laugh, I was pudding when he spoke to me.

When he touched me, the spot burned, and I hated it. It felt good but really bad. Joseph was like drugs. Bad for me but when I had him, it was like I couldn't stop my happiness from bubbling inside.

"Ehn, its good for Arome. His mouth was bound to put him in trouble." The girls nodded with me right before the teacher walked in.

I pulled my note out of my bag with hopes of the class passing by soon. I couldn't wait to get home, even though home could be annoying, it was still better than hell, I mean school.

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