#3 - Me and A Stopped Heart

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"Kolupo?" I whirled around at the sound of my name to unfortunately spot Joseph, I felt my heart stopped. He was walking in my direction, which caused me to panic. I didn't have much time to think, but when I came to the decision to flee, he grabbed my arm. "Is there lesson today?"

Words couldn't be formed, so I just nodded, all I could focus on was that he was touching me. Much sooner than I would have preferred, he let go of my arm and turned away, not before muttering to me, "Why are you always so shy sef?"

I let out a deep breath and adjusted the handle of my bag, once again the great Kolu had messed up. A punch in the arm brought me back to reality. "Let's go joor," I blinked about three times before understanding what was going on, following behind my friends.

We all did extra lessons, all four of us. Me, Glory, Love and Maureen. We weren't all the same which made people wonder how our friendship was still alive.

Glory was more on the gossipy type, she heard everything and obviously we were the first she told. She was usually loud and talkative; it won't be a normal day if Glory hadn't blabbed unnecessary nonsense into our ears and we loved her like that. She kept us in touch with the world.

Love was the mother of the group. She always made sure we did our homework or had our project up to date. Though she had a bad habit of teaching lessons the wrong way, she usually acted childish and embarrassing in public but like Glory, we were used to her.

Maureen was my closest out of the rest. She was spontaneous, crazy and amazing to be around, though she got violent sometimes and her jokes were more hurtful than amusing, I still liked her. She was the one friend I could confide in, Plus I knew a bunch of her secrets. She told me everything and I guiltily say I've never told her anything.

That wasn't my fault, I never opened up. I had so many secrets that no one knew except myself, I wasn't really a fan of seeing people's reactions to my actions.

As always, I sat in front of the lab. I liked sitting in front, it was far away from them. Those no-good man whores and hoes.

Lesson seemed to drag on, I found myself losing interest and getting caught in my imagination. "-for it, so what do you think?" I'd only managed to catch the last part of the sentence, but I wouldn't dare ask Glory to repeat herself, so I just nodded.

That was when I realized Lesson was over and a bunch of people had already left, shooting up from my seat, I managed to pack my stuff so fast, Barry Allen would be jealous.

Immediately after leaving the lab, we all headed for the school gate and in less than an hour, I was home. I hurried up to my room, dropping onto my lovely bed, sighing deeply.

Stretching and grabbing my phone from the side table, I went to Facebook. I scrolled through my notifications, smiling at the comments and likes I had.

After a long while of looking at people's posts, I decided to check my messages. Clicking on the messenger Icon, I frowned as the thing showed,

Messenger has stopped working.

Rolling my eyes at my messed-up phone, I went back to Facebook, scrolling through news feeds. I was broken from my bored state when the doorbell rang. With a groan, I got off my flat ass and moved towards the door.

Pulling it open I was greeted with the sight of two boys, who looked my age. "Em, is this Mrs. Davis's house?" The taller of the two asked. I nodded and leaned against the door frame. "What do you need?" I politely questioned.

Boy number 2 spoke this time, "We're supposed to give her this." Both parted ways to show me a large box, by my sad calculation there was no way I'd be able to lift that box at all.

Pushing the door wider open, I motioned them to bring it in. Both reached down and picked up the obviously heavy box, following behind me as I led them to the living room. "You can drop it over there," I pointed at a spot beside a black leather-covered chair.

Obeying my command, they put the box down and stood up with a stretch. "Thank you." They both nodded in acknowledgement, then started towards the door bur freezing as I called after them.

"What's in the box?" The taller one shrugged and walked out the door, leaving me with boy number 2. "I have 2 words, music and noise." I furrowed my brows as he attempted to leave. "What does that mean?"

He laughed lightly at my confused face and shrugged. "Try to find out." With a wink he left my house, leaving me confused, annoyed and flushed. I placed my hand on my chest, his wink had caused my heart to stop for second.

Who were those boys? What was in the box? And most especially, why did he wink at me?

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