#9 - Me and My Cousins

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I'd be a liar if I said I wasn't scared because I was. I'd quietened my breathing and footsteps, moving slowly and almost stealthily. You'd think I'd star in the next James Bond movie.

Action spy movie songs started playing in my head and I almost forgot why I was being quiet. I was so lost in my playing that I didn't notice the clean house.

I took at least 5 extra minutes to get to my room but I did it. The door was calling my names and as I clamped my hand onto the handle, it flew open. "Kolupo where have you been?"

I blinked once, twice and thrice before I spoke, well stuttered. But you couldn't blame me, my mother was here. Her face looked stress free and clear of any signs of tears, but her eyes were the only thing helping me believe yesterday wasn't a dream.

They lacked the usual joy, her dark brown eyes which had a very small almost invisible dark blue ring surrounding them looked sad. They showed what she truly felt and It made me sad. I couldn't even comfort my own mother. No. She didn't trust me enough to confine in me but who could blame her, I was indeed avoiding them both.

"They didn't let us out early because of Labor and the traffic was bad." And I walked like a snail until I got home and became Jackie Chan from 'Spy Next Door'. Her eyes narrowed for a second before she nodded. "Go and bath then arrange the dining and living room, your cousins are coming over soon."

She brushed past me, walking away not waiting for my nod of understanding. I walked into my room, throwing my bag on the bed. I quickly slipped out of my sandals, pushing them to side as I pulled off my socks.

I quickly stripped and took a short cold shower. I wasn't really a fan of hot water, I like the cool touch of the liquid on my skin calming me down from the stress of the day.

Mum wasn't exaggerating when she said soon because the moment I'd finished arranging the place, which took less than 20 minutes, I heard the door.

I took one last glance at my work before heading to open the door, pulling it open I was met with my Uncle's wide smile. "Hmm, see how you're tall. Mercy isn't even growing to anywhere, soon Michael and Moses will be taller than her."

Laughing loudly at my uncle and my cousin's annoyed face, I let them all in. Mercy had 3 brothers, The twins Michael and Moses, then her older brother Dominion.

It was a known fact that Mercy hated her brothers, she'd pick on the smaller ones and disrespect the older one. Mercy was a fighter, I'd heard of countless times when she'd physically hurt Dominion because he asked her to do something without a 'please'.

Dominion was a nice person, he just wasn't a fan of his sister. He apparently didn't enjoy having to take care of a little girl most of his childhood, then a bratty girl like Mercy must have been hell.

Michael and Moses were really sweet gentleman except when they were attacking Mercy, it was usually hilarious to see them fight. But we all knew, deep down in Mercy's messed up heart, she truly loved them.

The first hour was spent filing my life in on to my uncle, he asked question after question and for some reason I was happy that someone cared about my life.

Finally the food was served, that's when all hell broke loose. It started out simple, my dad and uncle were talking about politics, while Mercy and I were blabbing shit to each other. Then we heard those stupid words slip out from my mother's red coated lips. "At least her husband doesn't sleep with foreigners."

No one understood or took notice, until Daddy slammed his hands onto the table and stood up. "I am sick and tired of your stupid jealousy!" What the hell was going on? My brain started working and I started questioning.

All eye moved to Mummy whom was already on her feet, her fists where clenched as she scoffed. "Jealousy. Why would I be jealous of that gold digging slut!"

"Woman shut up! Nifemi is not a gold digger, nor a slut! I will not let you speak ill about a beautiful innocent woman!" I didn't think dad had realized he complemented that woman until a tear dropped down my mothers face.

But my mum was stronger than we thought because in blink of an eye, her face had contoured into pure anger. I was 99.7% sure, that no one at the table saw the food before it flew in my dad's direction. Gasps ran through the room, I didn't even notice I'd done it, it seemed we all didn't notice. We were all watching to see what would happen next.

Mummy shook her head in shame, "You're just as disgusting as the woman you sleep with." We all watched my mum walk away, while my dad stood there shaking with anger. Silence. An airy silence filled the room, the tension was so thick it could be cut through with a knife. My uncle seemed to have hated this and decided to intervene.

Uncle David was beside his brother in seconds, "Em...the rest of you go to Kolupo's room while I speak to her dad." He spoke it like a suggestion but we all knew it was a command. More or Less.

No one wanted to be there, no one wanted to witness a grown man cry. I was the last to leave and the second my room door shut close, I heard the shatter of glass and angry screaming.

For some reason, I wasn't crying like I was expected to be. I was more curious, I wanted to get to the bottom of all this. For all the 13 years I've known my dad, not once has he seemed like a cheater to me. But for all I know, it could have all been a charade, mum could be right but maybe, just maybe she wasn't.

Took me a month, I was mostly procrastinating. Sorry, I've been busy with stuff. Any who, I finally updated.

Thanks for understanding.

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