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It was my idea to watch a movie. It was also my idea to sit inbetween Kolupo and Emeka, but it was not my idea to have this nervous feeling welcome itself onto me. That feeling of something being wrong or when something was missing or I just couldn't put my finger on it.

Until my eyes fell on Kolupo giggling like Spongebob with Daniel whispering into her ears. This movie wasn't a romantic comedy, this was action, full on action, there wasn't any reason to blush like Kolupo was doing currently. They hadn't told any jokes so far, this was a fight scene.

I found my fists clenching and my nose flaring ever so slightly. That was the feeling. My body couldn't rest until I'd figured out Daniel's intentions, that's why I couldn't enjoy the movie that I'd convinced everyone else to watch. Dumb ass Daniel and his stupid Face.

Forcing my eyes back towards the giant screen before me, I was lucky enough to get lost in the movie. But the moment it ended, the feeling returned. As we all piled out of the cinema, everyone talked to someone as they were in pairs, leaving just me to myself.

"Babe, your Prince Charming is here to turn your frown upside down." I arched an eyebrow at Ebuka as I classified all that poured out of his mouth as nothing but nonsense. He immediately linked arms with me and right before I could smack him, Emeka captured my other arm.

I rolled my eyes at the smug smiles both boys carried as they pulled me towards our surprisingly still empty table. I sat inbetween both boys, Ebuka on my left, Emeka on my right, with Kolupo on Emeka's right, next to her was Daniel, followed by Stephanie then Aliyu. Almost like we sat in the cinemas.

"Oya. Let's join money and buy chops. I'm hungry and I know it's not only me." Ebuka's words were enough to bring the table to life as we all argued on what we should have. Some wanted pizza and the others wanted Shawarma, some of us even wanted chicken, where as Aliyu said he'd go for what ever Stephanie wanted. Such a charming boyfriend, I wondered why he never spoke so often.

At the end, we all decided on getting two boxes of pizza and since we still had our drinks, we wasted the rest of our money on arcade games. By the time we were all departing, it was almost dark. Luckily, we all didn't live far away, probably minutes and since it was closer to Kolupo's house, I was sure my parents would let me spend the night there. Since there was no school and she was my cousin.

"Bye baby." I watched as he kissed her cheek resulting in a very prominent blush that cover her whole face. I couldn't still believe Kolupo had feelings for this guy and just the thought of it brought a nasty frown to my face. My jaw clenched and so did my fists, a sour mood had set in and I hoped it would be gone soon.

Hugging the others goodbye, Kolupo and I took a quick bike down to her house. "Mercy? Isn't it too late for you to be here?" My uncle welcomed me into his home with a question he already knew the answer to. But morals be that I not answer him, I would have to face dire consequences.

"Yes sir. I couldn't go home because it was so late, so I was hoping you wouldn't mind me spending the night.  I was just about to call my dad but my phone died." My uncle was a chill dude and I had no doubt he'd let me stay, even better was when he offered to call my dad for me and told both of us to freshen up.

Kolupo was first to shower and when I was done, I didn't skip a beat to hop onto her bed like a five year old. She had lended me one of her pajama trousers and tank tops which were just my size surprisingly. Kolupo and I were always close and even after this years of separation, I was sure we'd never lose our touch. And that was what made things far from awkward while I changed into her clothes.

"Oya let's gist, whose the boy in your life?" Kolupo hopped onto the bed and then sat cross legged right infront of me, I decided to copy her actions and in a matter of seconds we were both comfortably sitting facing eachother. Kolupo stared directly into my eyes and it was way too serious to actually be taken seriously that in a matter of seconds we were both laughing.

"But on a serious note. Gist me na." She wanted gist. Which one did she want to hear about? I had a whole lot to pour out onto my innocent cousin but I wasn't sure how to do it without hurting her. But I had to try somehow, I just had to.  "Look. I don't like Daniel."

Then her smile dropped. "The guy gives me a bad vibe and seriously, out of all the guys in our set. Daniel? Really? Why are you dating him. I can see you really like him but how did he convince you?" Kolupo looked down to her palms and I noticed she was twiddling her thumb, chewing her cheeks like she usually did when she was hiding  something.

A minute later, she sighed. "Look Mercy, this is the first good looking guy to ever ask me out. And he did it in such a grand style, I.. I just couldn't say no. Daniel is a really cool guy, just get to know him-"

"I know enough about him!"

My sudden outburst caused my cousin to retract. She gave a sad frown and her eye brows creased so much I feared she would get wrinkles on the spot. "What do you even know about him?" Her eyes narrowed and she became rigid. Kolupo had gone all defensive and I couldn't let things go too far.

"Kolupo. Calm down. I was just giving my opinion. Afterall, it's up to you. If you want to continue dating him, go ahead, I'll support you all the way. I'm not Maureen and those your other friends. You're my cousin. It's me and you till the end." I gave a warm smile as the finale.

Kolupo seemed to soften up, she slowly relaxed and smiled back at me. "Okay. I'm sorry. I just really like this guy." Then her eyes widened all of a sudden, almost as if she accidentally let those words slip. Then she let out a nervous laugh and leaned backwards over the sides of the bed.

Due to the fact that we were sat at the center of the bed, the moment she leaned backwards, Kolupo happened to lose her balance and almost tumbled off the side of the bed. I reached forward and grabbed her,  trying to pull her upwards but her weight threw me off balance too and we both went crashing down.

Seconds later, we both bursted out into laughter and some how managed to untangle our limbs which some how got wrapped together. "I really missed you." A soft whisper from my left kept a small smile on my lips. "I missed you too Koko."

Kolupo reached over and wrapped her arms around me, I copied her actions and pulled her in closer. There we layed on the cold tiles hugging, for once I felt maybe things would turn out all right. Then the room door pulled open.


I missed you guys so much! Joe long has it been? Six years?
So how's the new update, do y'all like it? They're a couple of Wattpad contest, do you think I should participate, More so, do you think my book is good enough to?

Anywho, you guys asked for Mercy and I gave you Mercy 😂

How was it?

Who do you want next?

Do you guys have any ship names?

Lots of Love, Kelly. ♥️


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