#14 - Me And Mum And Dad

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You know that movie, 'a quiet place', that part when the dad and the boy froze on their way back from fishing, no? well, I seemed to be the old man about to scream. I just called myself an old man, wow, and my parents were the dad and the boy. 

There was this silence that took over the room. No movement, nothing. My eyes were locked with the hardened eyes of my mother. Then they softened, she had probably realized what was happening here. Her little daughter had just witnessed her cruelly threaten her husband and almost walk out on both of them.

Then out of no where, my mother drops to the floor and breaks out in loud sobs. For a while I stood there, just watching in confusion before I walked to my mother, dropped to my knees and hugged her. "Mummy, please don't cry. Please don't leave us, we need you."

My mother went rigid as I uttered those words and for a second I was scared, then she pulled away from the embrace and backed up into the wall. "Your father does not need me." She glanced at him for a quick second before bringing her total attention back to me.

"Kolu, I love you so much and if I could go back in time I would correct this error. But for now, I have to leave. I swear on my life, I'll come back for you. Please don't get into any trouble." Then she hugged me. For the first time in my life, I noticed my mother's mascara was running. 

A very strange and unimportant observation but that meant something. It meant everything wasn't all sugar and blossoms in the world, my almost perfect life was a dancing in circles and shockingly, my thoughts were blank.

Nothing wanted to be thought off, I don't think my body and mind wanted me to think. They wanted me to do. But I knew very well that I could never do anything without thinking, so I sat there.

While my mother got up and pulled her things out of the house, I sat there. While my father cried harder, I sat there. While my current favourite TV show 'Penny on M.A.R.S' was going on, I sat there. Like a fish in a freezer, I did nothing.

I was watching my life begin to fall apart. My father and mother fighting, the insults, the violence, and finally the leaving. Everything happened so fast and now all I could do was not think, no, all I did was sit on the ice cold tiles of our home passage as the short recording of my mother leaving replayed in my head for hours.

Sometime around 3am, I fell asleep. When I did wake up, I could barely do anything. My body was sore and my head ached, I felt like 'Ronda Rousey' after her match with Charlotte Flair. I was not going to school.

In all my 13 years of learning, I had never missed a day of school. I was always on time, every time, everywhere. But today unlike every other day was not my day. I was mentally and physically unstable, so I gave myself the day off, after all, which one of my hurting parents would make me go anyways.

"Kolupo! Why aren't you at school?" I stood corrected. Of course my father would still care about his only daughter. Turning around I was met with a shocking sight. My dad was dressed in his normal suit, briefcase in one hand and his phones in the other. His face looked brighter than ever and there was no sign of depression written around him.

He raised an eye brow at me and I fumbled with my words. "I-I sick, Friday... 2 subjects only." That made no sense but my dad looked in no mood to question or deal with me, so he just nodded and left the house.

I sat on the kitchen table and furrowed my brows. It had not been 24 hours since my mother kicked my father out of her life and left him behind with his daughter to take care of and my father was totally okay as it seemed.

If it took him so little time to recover then could that possibly mean, my father truly had a lover? I bit my lip and narrowed my eyes in determination, if my dad actually had a lover, then I'd make sure to find her. The good thing is, I had a whole free day to get started.

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