#16 - Me And Oceans

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Chapter 16

It was almost 9:32 and in exactly 3 minutes, the Gauntlet of Grace choir would mount the alter. We were rehearsing our latest ministration, the song was called 'Oceans' by Hillsongs. I'd fallen in love with the song the moment I first listened to it, Annie as I liked to call her was the one who first gave me and after a few weeks I was sure we'd sing it in church. 

We were currently praying and my hands were locked with Oden and Jessica, both were new members of the choir and had amazing voices which I was totally jealous of, something I told them on a daily basis. And today, like almost every Sunday, Jessica and Oden would hold the best microphones whilst another of us would be randomly picked to be the third mic holder.

I was the third, and funny enough I wasn't freaking out. Let me tell you a little secret of mine, I was terribly afraid of performing in front of crowds or pretty much any amount of people, not even my parents, in short, I had stage fright.

But maybe it was the spiritual courage flowing through me that made me be like this, I didn't know, I was just happy that my fingers weren't shaking again. "In Jesus' most powerful name we have prayed."

My hands dropped to my sides as Oden and Jessi let go and I let out a small breath, it's show time. Dami, the general secretary gave us a small signal minutes later, that testimony time was over and that we were up.

I followed behind everyone else as we walked down the small path way, leading to the alter. Once we all got up, Jessi took hold of the mic. "Can somebody praise the lord." A few people yelled 'hallelujah'. Jessi shook her head and frowned, "We are in the holy house of God today and so with us rising to our feet, can somebody PRAISE THE LORD GOD!"

The whole building stood up, well except a few lazy teens but it was still amazing, Jess had a talent for getting a rile out of people, it was something I'd always dreamt of doing but never accomplished. Everyone dropped back onto their seats seconds later.

"You call me out upon the waters, the great unknown, where feet may fail." I was mesmerized by the song and her voice at the same time, even though I'd heard both at rehearsals the day before. "And there I find you in the mystery, in oceans deep, my faith will stand." I smiled lightly at the beautiful silence of the congregation.

"And I will call upon your name, And keep my eyes above the wave." The lyrics always seemed to touch me in this spiritual kind of way. "When oceans rise, my soul would rest in your embrace. I am yours and You are mine."

As she went to the second verse, I found myself swaying along with the rest of the choir. I don't think it was just her voice moving, no, there was the holy spirit moving her. "So I will call upon your name," Oden joined in, singing in the Alto part whilst everyone else sang in their individual parts except lowly. It was more beautiful than we'd rehearsed. Yeah, it totally was the holy spirit.

"Spirit lead me where my trust is without boarders, let me walk upon the waters, wherever you would call me." This was my favourite part of the 8 minute song. "Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander, the presence of my savior." I was basically lip syncing it with her. While only Oden lightly sang along side her.

That's when I realized, I hadn't sang a peep through out the whole song. Like the idiot I was, I jumped into the song. I had gotten in on the wrong key and it was very obvious, as the song was starting to fumble. Oden and Ifeoma gave me random looks as I kept on singing, I couldn't stop.

People were staring at me with questioning looks and some had disgust but I just couldn't stop. Even Jessi noticed and tried to sing along side me but then I forgot the lyrics and started making up my own. "Take me closer to the king of all the other and make me yours my father, the one who takes me farther."

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