#8 - Me and The New Kids: 2

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I hardly ever believe the saying, it's a small world because really, this Earth is massive and like, not small.

I have this common problem where, if I don't know you, you're invisible to me. And when I realize you exist, I see you every where. I hate it.

I also have really bad memory and only important people or those who make an impact in my life that stick to me. I mean, there isn't enough space in my memory office up there.

So imagine how shocked I was to see Stereo boy. A person whom made no impact in my life what so ever and I actually remembered his face. That was something new.

He walked through the hallway, confident as ever, his red sneakers complementing his look. I stepped out of the class, silently hoping he'd spot me, smile, walk over and start a conversation, like in books and movies. I expected something cliche.

Instead, he decided to stomp on my impossible imagination by glancing at me, then looking away. He walked right past me, a few people following beside him.

I didn't notice my frowning cousin or the fact that she was clawing her nails into my skin like a cat. She loved cats. Mercy had this look in her eye, it was all to familiar to me.

It was the look she had on whenever Esther Ofondu walked by or smiled. It was the look she had on whenever someone insulted cats. It was a look that spelled trouble and Mercy was a true lover of trouble.

The bell rang loudly through the school, loud enough to tell me our French Class won't be happening. "Why is he going to our school?" I knew exactly who she was talking about but I stuck to an act of confusion. "Who?"

"Daniel." She spoke his name with spite, hatred, anger even. At least now I knew his name. What could he have done to make her dislike him so much. Mercy didn't hate, she preferred to strongly dislike.

I furrowed my brows, giving room for her to explain. "That boy on mofti, see how he looked like Malam," She was lying. I knew her well enough to tell when she was lying and also for the fact that he looked, what she'd on a normal day call, 'hot'. This didn't seem like a normal day, but then again, its never a normal day with Mercy around.

I just nodded and followed behind her, back into the class. I bumped into my cousin when she abruptly stopped moving, I shoved her side ways and was unfortunately cursed with the sight of Okachi Micheal, Divine Obinna, John Daniel, Favour Nwamara and Joseph. Yes, The Joseph.

Mercy eyed them warily, giving an unpleasant look to the oblivious boys. "So these Rapists are still here. I even thought they would be Agberos by now-" Her eyes narrowed and she hissed "-Mumu boys."

Not suprisingly, she shoved two of the boys side ways and walked into the class. I followed behind, warily eyeing the boys as they cursed at my cousin, whom took no notice of them.

Slipping through them, I headed for my seat. Taking my bag and books, I quickly shoved my stuff into my black sack of a bag. "Guys, I'm going to the lab, I'll keep space for you." My friends nodded, all except Love who stood up to follow me.

"Kolupo!" My name echoed through the calm atmosphere, slamming into my back with as much force as it was thrown. I whirled around to lock eyes with Maureen. She threw something out of our bus window as it moved and it wasn't seconds until it hit the ground, did I realize it was my purse.

I hurridly picked it up from the side of the road before some stupid car ran it over and my money would be road trash. I noticed something scribbled on the side as I headed for my house, with Maureen's legible hand writing was, My Bday is on Monday O!.

I chuckled at her unique way of reminding me, also giving me a lot of work in getting the blue ink off my pink leather purse. I hate pink, so don't think cause my purse is pink, I like pink.

Maureen's Birthday being on Monday meant 2 things. One, I'd be broke by the start of next week and Two, I'd have to go shopping. That meant making a lazy person work, it didn't sound fun. Not at all.

Not so suprisingly, I was stood infront of my house already. Fear was the best way to explain what I was feeling. I was scared of what I'd meet inside, I was scared of what could have happened in there while I was gone. Call me a coward but yes, I was scared.

I didn't want to know what could've happened, I did not want to see at all. My eyes went down to my bandaged hand and I let out a deep sigh. I had to suck it up anyways, I had no where else to go. So with the little courage *0.5%* I had, I put in the silver key and twisted left twice. The lock suprisingly smoothly turned open. My hand gripped the handle, pulling it down, I pushed the door open.

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