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In a cafe located in northern Hollywood, Eric and Michael were discussing about Jurassic Park in detail.

Eric had already successfully negotiated a dividend of 7% for the royalties fees. The negotiations encountered problems when it came to the movie and television copyrights.

Michael was an old fox of the publishing circle, there was no way he wouldn't be able to tell the potential this book would have once it were to be adapted into a screenplay. Eric didn't raise any objection to his share of the dividend and this made Michael feel that he was indeed very young and inexperienced, therefore he proposed that his The Night Elves publishing company handle the movie and television rights, while they would both share the profits.

Hearing Michael's proposal, Eric bluntly refused: "That's impossible, Mr. Klaus."

Michael Klaus was somewhat taken aback by Eric's decisive refusal, but he quickly composed himself and said: "Eric, listen to me, when the 20th Century Fox wanted to buy the movie and TV rights for the author I previously told you about, I was the one who negotiated with them and we made over one million in profits. If the issue had been handled by the author, he might not even have made 500,000 dollars, that's the difference between an individual and a publishing house."

The two of them kept discussing for more than ten minutes, Michael kept enticing Eric, even taking the initiative to lower his own share of the copyrights dividend.

In the end, Michael Klaus discovered to his disappointment that this kid was nothing like a greenhorn, he was more like a well-honed shark who had dipped into troubled waters for years. Although he wasn't that familiar with their publishing circle, he was able to make keen and accurate guesses about the ins and outs of the industry.

What made Michael even more surprised was that this young man was not like any impulsive youngster his age. Although he had discovered Michael's intentions, he did not bluntly point it out, but subtly implied that he had instead.

Michael smiled bitterly and finally gave up on the Jurassic Park movie and television copyrights.

The following negotiations went smoothly, and the both of them quickly signed a contract.

"Happy partnership Eric, you will definitely not regret letting me take care of Jurassic Park." After signing the contract, Michael went back to his gentle and docile demeanor, as if his astute and cunning earlier manners were nothing but an illusion.

"Happy partnership Michael, I also hope so."

The two of them shook hands, sat back down and started chatting when Eric casually brought up: "Michael, from your personal connections, is there anyone from a film company ?"

Michael's eyebrows jumped: "Of course ! Otherwise, how do you suppose I recommended that other novel to 20th Century Fox ? I also have several other connections in other film companies you know. When I was still working at Simon & Schuster I was once responsible for handling those things. That's why Eric, if you let The Night Elves handle the Jurassic Park's movie and TV rights, I can directly recommend your book to producers from six different companies."

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