Chapter 104 - Director candidates

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Chapter 104 - Director candidates

(I would like to thank everyone for all the comments, and if you find any mistakes in any chapter please tell me in the comments.)

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After Bringing Amy Pascal home, Eric took Jonathan Demme to a coffee shop nearby. After they ordered two cups of coffee and some snacks, Eric took the lead and began speaking: "Jonathan, first let's talk about your understanding of the script of 《The Others》"

Jonathan Demme, like a student who's taking a school test, straightening his thoughts, and said: "Compared to the films that rely on violence, blood, and weird sounds or grotesque makeup to achieve the effects of scaring the audience, 《The Others》 will undoubtedly create a new type of psychological thrillers/horror films. The script is full of Hitchcock suspense settings, and although the plot isn't complicated, it can firmly grab the audience curiosity. And finally, at the end, when the truth about the ghosts is revealed, that great plot reversal at the end of the movie, is even more surprising ... ... Eric, many people feel that your present success is due to the blessing of God. But if they see the script you created, I believe that no one will think so, your talent is simply amazing."

At the end Jonathan couldn't help but give him a compliment, Eric saw that the compliment was really coming from the heart, and not to please him, smiling he said: "Thanks for the compliment Jonathan, Your understanding of the script is in place. However, this is not enough for me to give you the film. Although I haven't had time to pay attention to the reply of the other two candidates, but I believe the other two will be very interested in this movie, what do you think your advantage is, when compared to the two Wes Craven and William Friedkin those two masters of horror films, so what are your strengths?"

"Plasticity," Jonathan replied without hesitation. "Eric, I'm more malleable than they are."

Eric looked at the middle-aged man in front of him, who was already more than 40 years old, and wondered, "plasticity?"

Jonathan Demme calmly explained: "Yes, Eric, my biggest advantage is that I have never filmed a horror film, I have been in this business for almost twenty years, I believe my professional level as a director is OK, I can shoot the film completely in accordance with your concept of the psychological thriller you wrote in the script. But if you handed this film to the other two famous directors, the two of them will certainly bring their own shooting styles into the film, this may not be their intention, but habit is a very powerful force. As a result, they are likely to turn 《The Others》 to other traditional horror films like 《The Exorcist》 or to 《A Nightmare on Elm Street》, the film will have very scary effects, but that will inevitably weaken the sensation caused by the plot reversal at the end of the film."

After Jonathan finished, he saw that Eric expression was loosening, Quickly he took out a thick stack of paper he prepared from his backpack, but he didn't hand the file to Eric, he knew that if he did that, the other party may not be patient enough to read all that information. Instead, he selected just the most important pages and handed them to Eric.

"Eric, you see, This is some of my thoughts about shooting 《The Others》, and those are also some script shots I envisioned. I think the film should focus on creating suspense, and arousing the curiosity of the audience. This can also cover the weak points in the plot, and not make the audience feel dull. I think we should focus on building the atmosphere, by that I mean we should put more emphasis on psychological pressure, not sensory stimulation."

Eric looked down at Jonathan's list of shooting ideas, and carefully looked at several sub lens design drafts, his fingers unconsciously started drumming several times on the table.

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