Chapter 121 - Cruise runs away

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Chapter 121 - Cruise runs away

(TN Note: I want to apologize for publishing chapter 122 yesterday, I made a mistake when I was editing chapter 122, instead of clicking on the save button I ended up clicking on Publish, which may have confused and spoiled the chapter for some readers. again I apologize for this mistake.)

If 《Road House》 is a fuse, then Richard Gere interview that was published in "The Hollywood Reporter" is the spark that ignited it.

The same day the interview was published, CAA spokesman refuted Richard Gere remarks and declared that if the other party publish any more irresponsible remarks, CAA will resort to legal means to seek justice.

Although many people can see that, Richard Gere spoke to the reporter when he was agitated, and that he put himself in the victim position, and that there are many loopholes in his remarks that can be easily seen through by the industry experts. But that does not prevent the media from digging deeper into some of the facts in his speech.

Gossip is a powerful force, the next day after the interview was published, articles about Kapoor Sid and Michael Ovitz conflict started popping up everywhere, inside stories about why Kapoor Sid left CAA, and him almost getting forced out of Hollywood and go into Europe have been exposed again.

Although CAA has grown into a towering tree, their history was riddled with black spots, Plus CAA forced bundling strategy, had lead to many film failures, these failures were naturally dug out by the media.

"From friends to enemies, exposing the dark side of CAA"
"10 companies that were the victims of CAA forced bundling strategy"
"9 superstars who gradually declined after joining CAA"
"The black hands behind the rise of the cost of producing Movies in the last ten years"
"The saboteurs of the film industry rules"

As more and more articles were written about CAA, some newspapers unwittingly began demonizing CAA and what they stand for.

The rapid growth and development of CAA, not only squeezed the living space of other Hollywood brokerage companies, the set of rules invented by Michael Ovitz and the forced bundling strategy, also made many film companies in Hollywood miserable. CAA not only let the actor's paychecks increase significantly but because of the film bundling strategy, film company also had to increase their film budgets.

The Six major Hollywood movie giant didn't suffer too much, they usually don't have problems with CAA, but a large number of Hollywood second and third line film companies, as well indie film studios, can't resist CAA bundling strategy. They aren't like Eric who manege to achieve phenomenal success in every film, they can only obediently accept CAA binding conditions.

A large number of brokerage firms, and a large group of film companies, plus countless independent filmmakers, and finally some TV channels who saw that CAA has started to bundle some TV projects the same way they did to movies. These forces started using their power to discredit CAA. What's more, almost all these forces have no communication at all, they Instinctively started doing it.

Of course, no one is saying anything in support of CAA, when some of CAA's actors were interviewed, they more or less said just a few good words. After all, CAA to improve their profits they raised the film company's production costs, and the biggest beneficiaries are those actors. But their words didn't change anything, Mainly because of the manipulation of those forces, they Deliberately diluted the voices of those actors who support CAA.

Although CAA also has a strong media presence but facing all those powers, their strength basically weren't able to change anything, they were completely passive.

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