Chapter 55

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Athena's POV

*After RAW*

All I wanted was to drink away all of my problems. I had Jeff take me to a bar. He got two drinks and got water after. I got drink after drink after drink. Then I was drunk.

 "You know, I've been thinking. Being pregnant is soooooooooooooo horrible!!!!" I slurred. "I mean I can't drink, or anything! I am so happy I'm not pregnant anymore! I can smoke!" 

 "You smoke!?" He yelled.

 "No. But I wanna." I giggled. 

 "Well I'm gonna call Saraya to see if she can watch Ruby until tomorrow." He said getting out his phone. I was just cracking my knuckles for some reason.

 "Can I jump in front of a car?" I giggled.

 "What?! No!!" He yelled.

 "Worth a shot." I whispered. 

*Next morning*

I woke up with a headache. I was wearing no clothes on top of Jeff who also had no clothes. Why don't I remember doing this? I heard a knock. What? Who was that? I got up and got on a shirt and shorts. I closed the door to Jeff's room. I answered the door and saw Saraya and Ruby.

 "I'm here to this little cutie off." She smiled.

 "Uh Saraya, I need to talk alone." I whispered.

 "Ok. Ruby wait right here. We'll be right back!" She said and stepped away from Ruby. Not to far.

 "I think was drunk last night because I have a horrible headache and I guess me and Jeff had sex last night which I don't even remember. And I have to do a lot today like we have to go to court with Ruby and I need to go to the doctor because of my baby and I'm super stressed can you please just take her for a little bit?" I asked tearing up.

 "Oh yea sure." Saraya said hugging me. I hugged back. I just let it all out. Eventually she had to go so she grabbed Ruby. Then went to breakfast. I walked into the hotel room and locked the door. I walked into the room and laid next to Jeff. I snuggled with his naked body. Her woke up.

 "Hey babe." He said in his raspy voice.

 "Did we have sex last night?" I asked.

 "Well you might've convinced me when you were drunk." He shrugged.

 "Ugh. I don't even remember that." I sighed.

 "Well to sum it up for you, you screamed. A lot." He smirked.

 "I didn't need to know." I said playfully smacking his chest.

 "I'm gonna get dressed. When are we gonna get Ruby?" He asked.

 "Oh uh Saraya is gonna watch her for a little while until court." I informed him. He nodded.

 "Well let's go to your doctor's appointment." He smiled.

 "Wait." I changed into pants and a crop top. I nodded. We went to the appointment.

 "Well you can still have kids it just might be hard for you too. So if you get and it doesn't work don't panic because it might take a while and a lot of trying. But I suggest you wait 10-13 months until trying again." The doctor informed.

 "Ok thank you so much." I smiled getting up and leaving. I saw Jeff waiting for me and I explained what happened.

 "I don't know if I wanna try anymore though." I sighed.

 "Why not?" He asked.

 "I just I don't know. I feel like I already tried and I don't wanna anymore. It's fine." I sighed walking into the car and slamming the door. When we got back I told Saraya everything. 

"And you know I don't know if I want kids anymore." I sighed.

"Sis. You have too. It's your dream to get married and have kids." She reminded me.

"True but I don't even know if it will work. The doctor said that we would have to try a lot." I said.

"Well I know that if you don't have kids you will regret it in the future." She patted my back and got up. I got ready for court. When we went this is what happened...

"Well you can't have custody because you guys are gone most of the time. You guys are gone for about five days a week. What are the days you are gone?" The judge asked.

"Sunday through Friday." I said.

"No one will be able to take her to school. So therefore Beth gets full custody of Ruby." Ruby looked at me.

"I have to go back with her?" She asked.

"I'm sorry." I gave her a hug.

"No! I can't go with her!!" Ruby yelled.

"Why not?" The judge asked.

"Because she killed my sister!!" Ruby yelled.

"Please! She's a little kid!! She doesn't know what she's talking about!!" Beth objected.

 "Yea she might be a kid but I'm an adult and the both of us know that you killed her." I got up.

 "Well none of you get custody of Ruby. Is there anyone else you know that should get custody of Ruby?" He asked.

 "Reby!" I yelled.

 "Who?" The judge asked.

 "Ruby's aunt, Reby sky, might be willing to watch her." I smiled. 

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