An Unexpected Introduction

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A/N: Holy crap. This is actually my first story ever published on Wattpad. I even joined Wattpad not to long ago, so sorry if I'm such a noob and crap, but I have somewhat of an experience with writing. This will be told in third person. Hope you enjoy, there will also be inspirational quotes in each chapter.

"To expect the unexpected shows a thoroughly modern intellect."

-Oscar Wilde


She gasped. The young (h/c) girl sat up with a jolt and spun her head, scanning the room, as if searching for something. "Thank god..." she breathes, filled to the brim of relief. Suddenly calming down, she lays back down and takes a look around the room again.

She soon remembered it was Monday, as told by a torn calendar by her bed. (Y/n), a young girl who goes to (n/m/s) checked her phone and squinted due to the sudden glare of light, making out the numbers, 6:42. "Son of a bitch," she mumbles, tossing the covers aside carelessly, slipping out of bed and shuffling towards the bathroom, nearly tripping over some possessions. "Crap." she curses again, starting to take care of her hygienic needs, getting ready for another shitty day at school.

Time Skip: 2 hours

What the hell? When (Y/n) got to class, there was already a lot of whispers and gossip going on from every corner. She was confused for a moment when the kids all looked in her direction, until she realized they were looking behind her. (Y/n)'s head jerked to see no one, shaking her head for a moment, as she proceeds to enter her homeroom. Sitting next to her best friend (f/n), she leans over and whispers, "What the hell is going on?" (F/n) looks around highly alert, before mumbling the words, "Some new transfer students just walked in, I think they're home schooled though, they don't look...normal."

(Y/n) strained to hear that last bit, but before she could ask, their homeroom teacher waltzed in with a pale face. "Uh...uh-class, I'd like to present some, uh, new students who will be attending (n/m/s) this year," the teacher's face was twisted in some sort of grimace, like he'd seen the ugliest thing alive. Voice wavering nervously, he continues. "I'd also like to bring up the fact that they've been home schooled, so...try your best to make them feel welcome!"

Again, the tittle-tattles of the students began once more, their voices elevated to a point where they didn't hear their teacher bring in the students and introduce them.

(Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes instantly darted to the students, silently gasping as she took each one in. Her friend was right. It is hard to describe them, metaphorically of course, but they didn't look like you average middleschooler.

There were at least 7 students, each having a different frame and stature than the other. The teacher went livid for a moment. "CLASS!!" he shouts, causing everyone to jump and look where the shout came from.

The teacher's expression softened, and he smiled warmly as he said, "Thank you, now,, would you mind introducing yourselves?"

One from the seven spoke up. He had a neon blue mohawk with a blue star (possibly?) tattooed onto the side of his head. His appearance struck (Y/n) as a sleazeball, she only snapped out of her thoughts when he began to speak.

"Uhh hey, my name's Larry, I like tennis. Um...that's it."

The other 6 snickered as Larry looked away in embarrassment.

(Y/n) exchanged looks with her friend, communicating in a language they both know well.

The only girl in the group stepped forward, her golden ring-like bracelets jingling as she took each step. Large, pink and white-spotted bow and dress is what made heads turn. Her face probably contained over 20 pounds of makeup, and (Y/n) amused herself for a while with that statement.

"Heyo, I'm Wendy, and I hope more people actually take me more seriously here!" she walked back in a huff, not making eye contact with anyone along the way.

A smol boy took her place this time, he had a mohawk similar to Larry's; the only difference being that it was an assortment of colors, such as a soft baby-blue, light tickled pink, and a sunshine yellow. He was definitely a lot more cheerful than the rest.

"Hello! My name's Lemmy! I hope I can get to know you all better while we're here!"

"Okay short stuff, move." said harsh voice. Lemmy was dragged out (oof) and a hefty-looking boy with dark but short, ruffled hair with pink highlights proceeded to introduce himself next, he had triangular sunglasses and bore a pink shirt as well.

"The name's Roy, but I think we all know that now!" he says, (trying) making himself look tough and all macho. "Oh boy it's one of those," (Y/n) heard her friend mumble.

"HeythereI'mIggynicetomeety'all!" Another boy with bright green hair in a ponytail along with black round spectacles who spoke way too fast and no one could catch his name, but he resembled Lemmy in some way, despite being a lot taller and his smile way too wide.

(Y/n) felt a sudden chill down her side.

Pushing that kid aside, yet again another boy with a much darker complexion, with white-dyed hair put into a bun, his skin obviously inflicted with vitiligo.

"My name's Morton, and he's Ludwig," Morton says, pointing towards another blue-haired boy who looked back at him, face void of any emotion, not responding. "Er-he's German and doesn't speak much English so forgive him." Morton explains.

"Uhh, great! Pick any empty seats that you see around." the teacher says, looking as if he already regrets taking in these kids.

After everyone got settled, (Y/n) gawked at (F/n), bewildered at the display. "They're our problem now..." (Y/n) says with a wheeze.


Well, this was cringey. Sorry if it was repetitive and boring. Not exactly my best work, but acceptable. I encourage y'all to vote and comment on how I did on my first chapter!

Human Koopalings x Female Reader: A Crappy Fanfic by meWhere stories live. Discover now