Wicked Intentions

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"Aren't we all monsters inside?"

-Lucy (Elfen Lied)


Freshly fallen leaves covered the grass like a green-yellow blanket, the serenity of the area was accompanied by the sound of rain gently tapping on the shoulders of the looming trees.

“Hurry (Y/n)! I need to show you before Ludwig drags my ass out on the field.” Gleefully shouted Iggy, gripping said girl’s hand with such intensity. Her lungs were completely empty and had not been given any time to rest.

Earlier he had led her out by a massive park several blocks by their house, where he really pressed the fact that along the end of the field, was an isolated area where they could by his words, “hang out.”

“Do your siblings even know about this?”

“Not really, just Larry. We’re the only ones that even bother coming out here anyway.” He says with a glint in his eye.

She hummed understandably, rubbing her nose as droplets of water trickled down the leaves of a tree.

The couple stopped at a shroud of unusually large bushes, awkwardly, (Y/n) fidgeted with her fingers for a moment before Iggy parted some bushes and gestures her in. Something felt, 'different' about this particular day.

She smiles and saunters through the vegetation and only stands in silence when she sees the lawn chairs laid out neatly with a parasol erected by it. (I mean, you would picture more but that’s it really)

"Sorry if it seems kind of, well, empty." Iggy tenderly places his hand on her own for a moment before pulling away to adjust his glasses.

"It's fine, much bigger and cozier than my place anyway. When did you guys find this area?"

"A couple months ago, I only knew because I caught Larry dumping some of his shit here. Would you like a soda by any chance?"

"Sure." She nervously took a few steps and sat down on of the chairs, eventually letting herself relax when she felt the tension on her shoulders melt away.

As she raised her arm to scratch at the bridge of her nose, her sleeve fell just enough to catch sight of her scars.

How could she forget. At the same time however, she was proud of not cutting for the past few months and Ludwig would regularly check up on her, not that she could avoid it.

Regardless, the temptation to cut has been rising more strongly than ever, but she can't. Yet she should.

But she couldn't.

Her heart thumped loudly from the sporadic thoughts, it was only until she heard Iggy's voice.

"Your soda." He chirps with a smile. She returned with a small grin and took it.

The next few hours went by like a blur. They talked about school and how much their teachers were a pain in the ass, recounting stories and such.

It just felt so good to feel appreciated and know that there was someone who cares about your opinion, Iggy has a bad habit of constantly interrupting anyone who dares to speak but he always manages to go out of his way to do the exact opposite when needed.

It was only until that the sky glowed a vibrant orange and purple that (Y/n) freaked out. She whipped out her phone and gasped in fear.

"Shit, shit, my mom's going to fucking kill me, oh fuck!" She leaps out of her seat and cleans up her mess momentarily before she was stopped.


Her (e/c) orbs turned to meet his. Unlike most times, he's always held a certain..emotion. Given that he has a tendency to be overwhelming, erratic, and most of all unpredictable, it was really off-putting when his features softened and he just...sort of, stared into her eyes.


She's had enough, she needs to get home before she got an earful of insults and belittling.

He then pushed her into a nearby tree, pulling a yelp out of her. (Y/n) wasn’t sure whether she should be scared or turned on.

"Please, just don't, I have to..."

He puts his arms on either side of her, looking her up and down, The insanity once again returning as it always had.

"I can't get enough of you and that just drives me crazy~" The lust in his eyes almost indistinguishable.

What scared her the most was not the force that he's already inflicted, or that fact that they're alone, but how quickly this change took place and the willingness that he put up with.

"Be very afraid (Y/n)."

There is no such thing as reasoning with him. It's beyond your control at this point. Might as well succumb to his desires.


(Y/n) jolted awake. Her heart was racing and her breath was cut off for a moment when she looked around. She was...at home?

No way, what had happened the past couple of hours? Surely that the *ahem* dream was somehow a part of her reality, it had to be.

Yet at the same time, she let out a sigh of relief when she noticed that she seemed fine physically.

Calming down from the minor panic attack, (Y/n) was about to snag something to eat when she noticed something as she passed by the bathroom.

Upon closer inspection, the (h/c) girl stood perfectly still by the mirror and confirmed her 'fantasy'.

Slowly, she tilted her head by one side and saw a mark on her neck. A dark red marking.



owie buddy why must you do that iggy

eh my sincere apologies for posting this a few days late, but I've been having the thought of taking a short but temporary break from this story and writing another koopalings story, the only difference is that the story will be entirely about the sibling's adventures and talk about things that happen before they meet the reader, let me know if it sounds gud or not, regardless if you want it or not, I'll post a quick author's note about it when published :)

Human Koopalings x Female Reader: A Crappy Fanfic by meWhere stories live. Discover now