The Weird, the Loud, & the Perverted

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"Be crazy. Be stupid. Be silly. Be weird. Be whatever. Because life is too short to be anything but happy."

-Hoda Kotb


"Ewww, Larry!!" screamed (Y/n).


"That's just gross and wrong." she said, looking away in disgust.

As much as Larry was cool and pretty nice, he could be a pervert sometimes. He might make a dirty joke at a wrong time, make disgusting-looking gestures, or look at (Y/n) in other places instead of her eyes.

"Yeah Larry, stop being such a perv!" chimed in Iggy. He wraps his arm lazily around her waist. She jumped for a moment at the sudden contact.

"Just stop being weird dude," then says Morton. "And get your hands away from her!" he shouts at Iggy, after seeing how uncomfortable he's made (Y/n).

They all sat on a bench that was a little more isolated from everyone else, as it was lunch for the young teens.  

"Ok then," he mumbles, retracting his arm and instead moves to adjust his glasses. (Y/n) let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding in. She mouthed 'Thank you' to Morton before continuing their conversation.

In fact, even though most people say Morton is loud and talkative, he's really quiet for a good portion of the time. The only time he actually chatters is when someone asks or mentions a topic he has knowledge of, such as volleyball.

As for Iggy, well...there wasn't much to him. He wasn't very open and quite secretive. Another thing he was is obsessive over (Y/n), for example he might glower at any boy who looks at her or even speaks to her (includes (f/n) if they're a boy) and pulls her away from them in some instances. He reminds (Y/n) of a yandere.

"Ugh. Did you hear about that project for math?" asked Morton, trying to lighten up the mood as it got awkwardly quiet. Looking in his direction, Larry agreed, "Yeah, I remember it being something about percentages or something like that."

"What's worse is that it's a group thing," he said, all three boys clearly frustrated over the recent assignment. (Y/n) tensed up and looked him dead in the eye. "A what?"

"A-a group assignment...?" 

"Awwww crap..."

"What is it?"

(Y/n) clicked her tongue and shook her head mournfully.

"Roy and Wendy already have a thing against me," she started, "And I'd bet they'd kill me if they had the chance!" she cried out, putting her head in her hands. The trio gave her sad looks and glanced at one another warily. Larry reached over and ran his hand over her back, causing (Y/n) to shiver a bit. He felt his brother's stare from the back of his head. "That's a death sentence for you my friend."

Jerking her head up to see Larry's goofy smile, she says sarcastically, "Uh, isn't this the moment where you say, 'Gee, sorry (Y/n), it'll be alright, we're here for you?' What ever happened to that?!"

Larry's smile falters as he struggles to find the right words. "Uh? Oh, uh,  yeah! Um, sorry (Y/n), we'll make sure nothing like that happens!" He reaches over again to give her a quick and chaste hug.

Iggy giggles madly before hugging (Y/n) himself, although much more tightly then she would have preferred.

"Well, we better get going, we only have like, 3 more minutes till the bell rings. And Iggy for the last time, let her go! The poor thing can't even breathe." Morton shouts after him again, attempting to pry him off her.

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