Some More Facts/New Story Update!

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I won't lie when I say that I kinda got lazy when it came to writing the next chapter, but hopefully I post that next weekend, but meanwhile I thought up of some more facts and will continue where I left off, so enjoy what my smol mind had made for y'all XD


Fun Facts!

12. Ludwig is colorblind (can't see red, green, or blue clearly)

13. Roy actually goes to Night School on the weekends (is canon in the Paper Mario universe)

14. Despite always wearing pink, Wendy secretly prefers blue

15. Believe it or not, Lemmy actually wants to take up the career of becoming a biologist (and a comedian of course)

16. Morton has Vitiligo and is proud of it :D

17. Iggy might be very loud and outgoing, but he will not talk to anyone else other than his siblings and closest friends (includes the reader obviously)

18. The siblings are the most popular kids at school (whether they like it or not)

19. Ludwig plays music (preferably with a violin or piano) and often plays duos with Larry (who can play an electric guitar)

20. Lemmy might be the more cheerful one in the group, but he actually has the most suicidal thoughts (protec him)

21. Let's face it; Roy is not an artist and can only draw stick figures (oof)

22. Although it might never be said in the actual story, both Morton and Wendy have Wattpad

23. Their dad (Bowser) works as a huge business owner (multiple actually) which explains all the moni

24. Kamek and Kammy were their caretakers (still are!) but haven't been mentioned yet cuz I was lazy lol

25. When he isn't acting so composed and sophisticated all the time, Ludwig likes to get on his sibling's nerves by telling stupid jokes/puns that a dad would probably say


oof, well that's it! I couldn't think of any more since I was running out of ideas lol, but I will get back to posting regular chapters soon, and I did mention in the title that there would be a new story as well.

It'll be posted sometime during either Thanksgiving, or Halloween, but that depends on when you guys want it, I have plenty of time, I've been working on it since last month, but it will also be rated Mature, but I can't wait to post it soon! See y'all!

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