Calmly Energetic

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"Right, next we'll get into a quick dive-in of polynomials and how you can deduce them.."

The teacher's voice soon faded into background noise as (Y/n) watched Iggy shuffle through his bag, and eventually heard the familiar crinkely bag: of course he had brought snacks.

This time he had brought gummy bears, and handed a few to her, which she graciously took.

He stuffed his mouth with a few (a lot u green haired bitch) and didn't even have time to chew them as the teacher looked their way.

"And then next we'll...Ignatius? What is that in your mouth?" The whole class turned to look as well as Wendy and Roy.

"Uhm, nuthun." he said, mouth still full.

"Young man you better tell me whats in your mouth right now!"

He hesitated. Then shook his head.

"Tell me before I send you out!"

"I don'd wan to!"

"You know what? I have had just about enough with you and your fa-"

And with that, he spat them all out, some landing on the floor, the table, and one on her face.


The squad walked towards their private area in silence, (Y/n) gripped her lunch tightly. Was it anticipation? Fear? Who knows. (besides me lmao get nay nayed)

She sauntered to the farthest corner of their area whilst listening to the siblings argue about Iggy's latest performance. Not that it was uncommon, but it was quite nerve-racking to an extent.

Wendy sat by (Y/n) after her giving her brother a fair share of insults. "I'm sorry if it already feels awkward, but Iggy seriously creases me. It's still a wonder I haven't dug up his grave yet."

(Y/n) chuckles nervously. Typical.

"Haha, well, I'll be back real quick..." The young (h/c) girl makes a swift movement to hop from her seat and scurry away from the scene, leaving behind a very dazed blonde.

It's not their fault that they receive the attention they get. Okay. That sentence undermines them very much. They do receive a lot of attention and its all their fault.

What was (Y/n) supposed to do about it? Not like she could downgrade them and change their minds. Yeah right. As if that would ever happen.

Swimming through her thoughts, she didn't notice the figure up ahead and collided with them.

"Ah, I'm so sorry!"

The young brunette scrunched his eyes real quick for a moment before getting a good look at (Y/n). He was strangely thin for his age.

"Please, it's okay."

Something about this boy seemed somewhat familiar.

"Wait, aren't you that new kid?"

"Uh, yeah I I'm Charlie." (lmao I'm sorry for the name)

'Huh. I was thinking a Jim or Billy.'

"Heh, I'm (Y/n)."

His eyes lit up at her name. "(Y/n). Such a lovely name."

"Uh yeah."

He stared intensely into her (e/c) orbs. It was an innocent gesture but it was just oddly uncomfortable. Charlie looked her up and down and began to raise his hand for a moment but stopped midway.

(Y/n) took note of how quickly his eyes narrowed. She glanced over her shoulder to see Lemmy come running over.

"(Y/n)! We were looking for you, and by we I mean myself. Iggy wants to know if you want- oh, you're that new kid, right?" He turned his attention towards Charlie.

There was a short pause before answering, "Yes."

Lemmy nervously darts his eyes around and gently wraps his hand around (Y/n) and nudges her away.

"Oh right, see ya Charlie."

He only waved once, staring down them both with something that she couldn't quite discern.

Once they were both out of earshot, Lemmy asked, "Was it just me or is that 'Charlie' kid already coming off as weird?"

"He's not weird, he's just..adjusting."

"Hmm, yeah. Well I don't feel very good about him already. Could be just me or I'm wrong."


The couple returned to their spot where the siblings had already finished their argument and were already eating what was left of their lunch.

Iggy's face brightened at the sight of the young girl. "Ah, (Y/n)! I wanted to ask, do you think pineapple belongs on pizza?"

"Aww man not this shit again." Roy grumbled.

"Well, I believe that pineapple does\does not belong on pizza." She answered casually.

"I told you guys!"

"Oh shut the fuck up!"

'Pineapple is a cursed item man."

"That there is the good shit, I don't know what you're talking about."

"Whoever thought of putting that on pizza should be burning in hell."

"I really don't see why you guys are giving so much hate about it, it's good!"

(Y/n) groaned and plopped down on a bench. Tis' the price one must pay when hanging out with them.

"Okay! New argument, do you guys crumple up the toilet paper or do you fold it?"

"Jesus Fucking Christ."

"I definitely fold."

"Haha bitch I crumble that shit."

Through the midst of all this, (Y/n) caught sight of Wendy through her peripheral vision scooting over.

"Bunch of idiots am I right?" She says with a wink.

The latter chuckles and nods. It was impossible to ignore the heat radiating from the blue-eyed female. It made (Y/n) flush and turn away briefly.

"You're gorgeous you know?"

The comment caught the (h/c) girl off guard. "Um, what?!"

"Your face. Everything actually. You're perfect and that frustrates me so much."

Wendy slowly closed the small gap between them too.

"Um Wendy, your brothers.."

She caresses her hair gently. "Who cares? Not like they could pay any attention." The blonde leaned in a little further but not before-

"Hey (Y/n)! How do you prefer your ice cream? In a cup or cone?"

She moved back a few inches from Wendy (who was a nervous wreck) and answered, "In a cup/cone!"

"Get rekted ya fucking pricks."

"You uncultured swine, everyone knows that cones are better."

"You guys are all dumbfucks, only real ones choose cups."



Lmao get nay nayed y'all

Hnnnnngggg I'm sorry for the late post, but y'all know what day it is, and unfortunately we were approximately 200 reads short of the goal but I appreaciate everyone's efforts nonetheless so I'll still post a second chapter tomorrow, because I love you all so much uwu I also want to see if anybody got a reference that I added in here, let me know when you find it :)

(I'm sorry for the Charlie kid though lmao)

Human Koopalings x Female Reader: A Crappy Fanfic by meWhere stories live. Discover now