Entry #1

532 9 4

April 23, XXXX

Once again I have turned to the comforts of writing and the security that I feel every time I confide to you. Not that you would know of course, but nonetheless I've been feeling quite troubled lately. I can't quite put my finger on it but things have been very much tense between my family and I.

In what way you ask? Well, that's because my XXXXXX XX X XXXXXXX used XXXX XXXXXX towards XXXXX, I'm talking about Iggy as you might know.

It disappoints me very much to say that I would like nothing more than to give a good thrashing but that wouldn't be gentlemen-like of me now would it?

The overwhelming putrid smell of whatever monstrosity was made will not subside, at least for a while. It's honestly a surprise that my siblings haven't burned down the house. But I'm not counting on it.

Enough about them, this is about XXXXX. Words cannot describe my XXXX for XXX. Well, yes they can, but I don't think I would ever admit it to XXX. I have said it once, but I'm sure XXX wasn't able to understand.

I feel conflicted on whether or not I should actually say something. What would it exactly change anyway? Would it unite or divide? I'm not exactly counting on XXX to say anything either but it has to happen sooner or later.

On the topic of XXXXX, I might as well add that Junior has taken quite well to XXX, he normally acts up around strangers, let alone XXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX to them.

Speaking of talking, I heard Junior say some rather 'colorful' language. I have no doubts that Larry is behind it. I'll be sure to give him a verbal assault equivalent to an atomic bomb. For now we just have to make sure that Kamek and Kammy don't hear a peep from him.

I've also taken note that Iggy has once again moved the keys to the house. Normally Lemuel and I leave it by the plants near the entrance but apparently someone cannot get it in their head that they are not to be moved especially as they are the only ones we have until mum has copies made.

Most likely he left it in his room, which I cannot bear to go through as it is nothing but a disaster and I once made the mistake of stepping in, only to get berated and yelled at by 'his majesty.'

Personally, I don't know why I even bother writing here, it's not like I'll ever go back and read it. Probably I'll be in my thirties and look back while thinking how much of an idiot I was.

If I had to be honest with myself, this is more of a pleasurely thing and not something that I would do everyday, unless anything were to happen that is of significance, then this book would be sitting in a drawer collecting dust.

Oh, and I must remember to hide my album elsewhere as earlier Wendy had found it behind the book shelf in the living room and presented it to mum who had the wonderful idea of presenting it to the rest of my siblings. I know they mean well, but my dignity is at stake!

I think I can still hear her downstairs talking to everyone else.

Ugh, I'm probably just ranting at this point am I?

And yet despite what I just said, let me tell you that it is just exhausting at school. There are just times where it becomes unbearable to take in all those beady eyes looking me up and down with malicious intent. Hunger, jealousy, hatred. Whatever it is, takes its toll on me and my family, which becomes quite evident especially at the end of the day.

Oh my stars, have I said anything about the letters? Ugh, the letters. So many of them. Everyday when I open my school locker, at least five to seven letters fall out sent by anonymous students professing their undying love for me. Some are much more raunchy than others (very unnerving to say the least), and I think I've figured out the identities of some senders.

Another thing that will never resolve itself is the disdain that the teachers hold for my siblings and I. All of that is to be blamed on Iggy. Just the other day, I caught XX XXXXXXXXX glaring at myself and Roy, XX turned away the second we made eye contact, but there is no denying that XX 'hates our guts.' All the teachers think that we're completely oblivious to their stares and scoffs, yet any other person could see it clear as day.

The only one that does not receive equal treatment is Lemuel, because face it, he's practically a sweet and innocent angel, no one could let harm come to him in any form. (Not meant to be sarcastic.)

On the upside, my English has been improving astoundingly. There are still hints in my accent (which I feel very insecure about) but I feel much more confident talking to my peers and guardians.

I'm also proud to say that I've been watching my weight and am no longer classified as (in Roy's words) a "cream puff." Whatever that's supposed to mean. It's not like I care for his words.

But, am I really as 'large' as people make me out to be? I mean, only my siblings make these kinds of jokes and don't actually mean anything by it, yet it always feels like some personal attack. Most likely I'm over thinking it, but those are the kinds of things that raise tension.

Regardless, the weather here is still quite chilly but as of late it's been getting warmer, and all hints of snow are now gone. (Good riddance.) I can actually look forward to this upcoming summer and say goodbye to all those layers of clothing I so despise.

Ah wait, I hear someone coming up the stairs, no doubt it's Iggy here to mock me about those XXXXXX. Wait till I nag him about the house keys. Until then I shall refrain from any more writing.

Ludwig Von Koopa


oof well that turned out more intense than I thought. Anyway as most of you already know, I didn't actually write a chapter involving a lot of 'action' but instead one of Ludwig's diary entries. I'm not sure how I did but let me know if you want to hear more of what else he's written, until then I'll be cooped up at home typing lmao

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