We have...Chemistry?!

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"And if love be madness, may I never find sanity again."

-John Mark Green


The soothing breeze of a winter wind tickled the end of (Y/n)'s nose, almost making her sneeze but not quite.

She continued to practice her sketches on a simple notepad ever since she's seen Larry's drawings which provoked some motivation.

Her window was left open due to how stuffy it got inside, and today was considerably fresh, which was of a major convenience. (Y/n) later laid back down on her bed to get into a more comfortable position.

As her hand began to move freely on the paper with simple strokes, a small noise from the backyard caught her attention.

She shrugged it off as one of the strays that always wander, it really wasn't uncommon to see them from time to time.

Suddenly something heavy hit her directly in the knee, landing with a soft thud on her carpet.

"Ow! What the fu-"

Another soft 'thud'.

Upon closer inspection, she could see that it was a small pebble, but large enough to the point where it'd hurt to be hit by it.

"The fuck?"

Looking out her open window, (Y/n) caught eye of a familiar green-haired boy in her backyard.

"What the fuck Iggy? What the hell is wrong with you?"she shouted, taking small pauses between every word.

"Everything, (Y/n), everything." he yelled back.

(Y/n) changed her clothes quickly and ran outside to meet him.

"You're lucky my parents aren't home yet, my dad would've chased you out with a bat." she commented, leaning back on the wall behind her.

Not looking at her, Iggy mused, "Yeah, well, I don't really give a shit."

"But seriously? Not even a text?" Anger seeped into every word that poured out of her mouth.

"I forgot."

Pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration, she continued her attack. "How the fuck do you forget to let someone know you're coming over? Isn't that common sense?"

He laughed coldly at her response. "Common sense is not in my dictionary."

"Whatever. You idiot." the (h/c) haired beauty mumbled, lightly punching his shoulder. She sat down on a small iron bench that was placed outside, Iggy soon joining her as well.

A small but awkward silence ensued between the two not long after.

Gently nudging her, he asked, "Hey, you mentioned that your parents aren't home, correct?"

"Yes..? Why?"

A wide, mischievous smile placed itself upon his lips. "Well, just imagine...what could happen within that period of time..." He slid his arm around her, bringing her closer as he said this.

"Iggy, what the fuck does that have to do with anything?!" Knowing what he was getting at, she moved away.

His laughter broke the small silence as he managed to cough out: "I'm just kidding! Your face was just priceless!!"

"Fucking idiot." (Y/n) sat there, livid as he continued laughing hysterically.

"Seriously though, would you?"

"Fuck no!!"

He never stopped laughing.


Half of the siblings sat at the usual area after lunch, which unfortunately provided the perfect opportunity to attack and insult one another.

"That sweater makes you look fat Lud," Roy commented. He wasn't wrong. Ludwig practically looked like a moldy creampuff.

"Not funny." His English was gradually improving, with the exception of the occasional 'vaat' and 'schould' here and there.

"You just make me wanna get a needle and stick it in there." Iggy joined in, who sat next to (Y/n) who simply rolled her eyes. Their arguments get stupider everyday and she can't do anything about it.

Lemmy and Morton soon walked in proud and smiling.

Giving them both a small grimace, Iggy asked: "What the fuck is wrong with your faces?"

"Guess what happened?" Lemmy chirped.

"You got your ego in check?" Roy asked.

"What? No! I mean that we won the bridge tournament with a score of 102, despite the fact that we were nearly disqualified."

"Don't care."

Lemmy looked so genuinely offended, it was almost funny. Almost. "Whaddya mean, 'Don't care'?! Aren't you proud of us?"

Not wanting to listen in or somehow get involved, (Y/n) quietly left the scene.

"Going so soon?" said a small voice.

Flinchin at the sound of his voice, she angrily replied, "You have to stop doing that Iggy."

"So...you still up for sex?"


He chuckled loudly while placing a hand on her shoulder. "I'm just kidding."

"Oh I'm sure you are."

Rubbing her arm affectionately, he held her a little bit closer. "Well, do you wanna work with me on that science project we're having?"

Surprised at how quickly he changed the subject, she agreed to his request. "Uh, sure?"


He moved his hand from her arm to her waist in a subtle movement.

"Would you like to have chemistry someday with me?"

(Y/n) blushed furiously at the topic and hoped it wasn't too obvious. "What?!" She placed her hands around her face.

"I mean the class dummy, what did you think I was saying?"

She looked away in embarrassment and wanted to crawl under a rock.

"Nothing, just shut up."


fuking dammit its been almost (or more) 2 weeks since I've published a chapter, in which I apologize if its too short. I've just been busy with homework and school that i never got around to actually type the chapters, that along with the fact I've been running out of ideas, so any would be appreciated! Vote if you liked it and comment on what you thought about this chapter! 💕

Human Koopalings x Female Reader: A Crappy Fanfic by meWhere stories live. Discover now