The Foreigner's Struggles

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Kudos to Traversini for the picture.

"Do not underestimate the determination of a quiet man."

-Iain Duncan Smith


It was another quiet and ireleveant morning at (N/m/s), while everyone at school had been talking about the Christmas Eve dance and who were going, since it was only about 3 days away, however, (Y/n) and her oddball friends had other plans than going to a cheap crappy dance. That of which, was a nice dinner at the sibling's house.

And as they all sat down waiting for the bell to ring, everyone each had something on their minds.

For example, while (Y/n) struggled for anything she could wear to the visit, Wendy was generous enough to provide 'some' tips for her.

"If you're gonna wear plaid at least let it be red, green, and white, since you have to be in that Christmas spirit, and don't even get started on checkered, you might as well look like a chess board..."

Too exhausted to listen, (Y/n)'s eyelids grew heavy as she slowly closed them, her friend's voice gradually drowning out. She opened them up again not a moment later to hear an argument between Iggy and Larry.

"Dude, you're such an asshole, why are you such a mega bitch?" Larry cries out defensively.

"Because I can be a bitch." replied Iggy in a smug-like manner.

(Y/n) shook her head slowly in annoyance before averting her attention some place else.

Through her peripheral vision, she caught a brief glance of Ludwig taking a look at his wounds made the day before, he looked at them in disgust before sliding his shirt sleeve over his arm once more.

Also, she couldn't tell since he was wearing his shades but it was most likely that Roy was still fuming over it, he was swearing how he would kill those eight graders and seemed more protective over Ludwig. It's also grown quite awkward between Roy and (Y/n) ever since the little 'incident' occured, so as a result they sometimes refuse eye contact or chose not to say anything at all.

Meanwhile Lemmy and Morton were participating in a bridge competition for a specific program the school had (Ex: MESA) in which all they had to do was build a sturdy-ass bridge with certain guidelines and crap. Due to the event, they were often excused from their classes to work on it, and so they weren't seen often.

Another thing that's been ticking her off lately is how often they argue, which would always be over the stupidest or trivial things. But the rest of the siblings never payed much attention.


"Sorry, um, yes...?" she frantically responded, looking over her shoulder to see Ludwig.

He leans over to whisper in her ear, "I neet to shpeak to you durink lunch, so meet me in our usual area. " She felt her heart drum sporadically and hitched in a breath or two.

"S-sure." She stuttered out, but mentally slapped herself for sounding stupid as she said so.

"Sanks." he says with a smile, a smile that always caused her to heat up and look away. 'Damn you Ludwig.'

Human Koopalings x Female Reader: A Crappy Fanfic by meWhere stories live. Discover now