50 Shades of Lipstick

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Note: This chapter contains messages of self-harm, I am not encouraging it but I suggest skipping the quick beginning right now if you do not take to blood very well, self-harm is not encouraged! It also contains some lesbi stuff in here.

"Whether I'm wearing lots of makeup or no makeup, I'm always the same person inside."

-Lady Gaga


'Oh god it hurts,'

She watched as a stream of red dripped from her wrist, pooling onto the sink in front of her. It felt oddly satisfying.

'It just stings so bad.'

She continued to mark her now blemished arm as it continually lost blood, not caring how much she now wasted. She thought about how worthless she was and how killing herself would bring no disruption to the world.

'I can't make it go away.'

She brought the razor to her other arm and proceeded to do the same. Sensing the hot stinging pain surge through, she collapsed in ecstasy and felt the life from her body slowly fade away.

'Just help me,'





"Uh, yeah?" she lifted her head up to meet Wendy's gaze, she looked downright upset, hands on her hips and tapping her foot in a frantic manner. This was actually the first time in a while that she's spoken to her.

"I just came to tell you that..." the sapphire-eyed girl seemed hesitant on her sentence.

(Y/n) realized that she was actually staring at her arm, as it was streaked with multiple scars from a razor she used a few days ago.

She tugged her sweater sleeve over it quickly. "What was it that you were going to tell me?" she asked, avoiding the subject.

"Umm...nevermind, I'll tell you later."

Wendy walked towards her brothers who weren't too far ahead, her hot pink heels clacking on the pavement with each step.

(Y/n) stood up from her seating from the floor and looked around her. She sat by the building where her first few periods were and was waiting for the bell to ring to go to homeroom.

She saw her friend (f/n) and waved to them, but wasn't entirely surprised when they didn't wave back. (F/n) had been upset with her ever since she started hanging out with the siblings, they felt as though she'd abandon them or something.

As the bell rang, she felt betrayed in some way.


(Y/n) quietly worked on her slides for the math project, the due date was by the end of the week, and today was currently Wednsday. 

She solved each problem skillfully, explaining her work in a clear format that others would understand.

"H-how, how do you do that?" Wendy asked. (Y/n) turned to look at her but hadn't noticed how close she had gotten, their lips just inches from touching. Taking note on that little detail, she faced away as to not become extremely aware, however she never broke eye contact.

"D-do what?" she stuttered.

Pointing at one of the problems, she asked again, "How do you turn the fraction into a percent?" (Y/n) smiled and explained carefully, feeling strangely happy every time she saw Wendy's face gasp with realization.

Human Koopalings x Female Reader: A Crappy Fanfic by meWhere stories live. Discover now