A Lovely(ish) Night

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This chapter will be longer than I normally do, but enjoy! The siblings also have a mother in this.

"Family is not an important thing. It's everything."

-Michael J. Fox


The winter wind proved to be more fiercer than (Y/n) had originally thought. The snow pounded against her bedroom window as if begging to enter. So it was due to the harsh weather conditions that she just wore a simple yet nice, (f/c) silk shirt with a dark pair of jeans and navy blue flats.

Why was she dressing on a stormy day like this? Well, I'm pretty sure it was quite obvious, for she would be going to a lovely dinner at the sibling's house, meaning she has a chance to make a first good impression on their parents.

When her parents announced that they would be going with her, she was thrilled, but also upset, for she hoped that they wouldn't be too annoying or seem nosy, and also remembered to give them the address cause obviously.

(Y/n) kept warm with a thick leather jacket with fake fur inside that tickled her bare skin where ever it may be.

"Are you ready?!" called out her mother in an irritated tone. "Just freshing up!" she yelled back.

She heard a car start outside, signaling that her father was warming it up to get it running and crap, so she took the time to just quickly apply some wine red lipstick, nothing too girly or anything, but it was bold enough.

(Y/n) practically leaped towards the front entrance after seeing her mom get in the car, and made sure to lock the door before she did the same.

Her hand stuck to the car handle for a moment because of the frost that began building up steadily as well as the window, and made sure to slam it shut to ensure that no snow would enter.

Enjoying the mystical view of the snowflakes dancing before her outside, (Y/n) slowly dozed off.


The car suddenly jerked forward which would've sent (Y/n) flying if it weren't for the seat belt keeping her intact.

"We're here." states her father blankly as both parents exit the car, their daughter following suit.

"The house should be about a block away." he says, looking his best but not his happiest, to then which the family of three began the long and agonizing walk, the snow hitting their faces at a rapid pace now. (Y/n) was afraid that her parents would be too judgmental about the siblings and hoped that it wouldn't be too chaotic.

While they made the trip, she noticed that the houses around the area were much nicer than she normally sees, they were perhaps rich?

"Huh, I didn't realize your friends were the stuck up kind," says her dad, knocking her out of whatever trance she was currently in.

Gaining what little confidence she had in talking back to her parents, especially her dad, (Y/n) states in a tiny voice: "T-they're not s-stuck up..."

He didn't reply back, but she was sure it was because he didn't hear her.

When they reached the house, (Y/n) had to bite her tongue a few times just to be sure that she still wasn't asleep.

She was pretty much overjoyed, but pissed at the same time. They never told her that they had a big ASS house!!

All along the property was lined with iron fences that contained beautiful designs, along with dogwood trees whose petals are already falling and withering due to the weather, the lawn now coated with sparkling blankets of snow, the front lawn was obviously large and spacious, and the house itself resembles a more 'Colonial Revival' style, painted a nice, deep cardinal.

Human Koopalings x Female Reader: A Crappy Fanfic by meWhere stories live. Discover now