No Words Needed, Actions are Enough

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Here's the chapter I promised y'all along with the quote, there might be more A/N later, but this chapter gets a little more...steamy ////^_^//// I'm so sorry...I was also listening to the Bee Gees as I was typing lol

"We do not merely destroy our enemies; we change them."

-George Orwell


It's been a couple of days ever since the new kids have been introduced to (Y/n)'s school. Turns out that Lemmy had spoken to his siblings and 'scolded' them...or so (Y/n) has been told. For the time being, everything was running smoothly, despite the fact that Roy and Wendy avoided eye contact and haven't spoken to her.

In fact, after the incident, Lemmy has repeatedly hung out with her whenever he gets the chance too, whether it'd be lunch or between periods, but he's been so gentle and understanding, something (Y/n) hasn't been really exposed to.

Through Lemmy, she even got to know some of his other brothers such as Iggy, Morton, and Larry. Larry wasn't so bad as she thought he'd be, and Iggy...well, he kinda freaked her out a bit. He was kinda possesive over her sometimes. Morton was chill. And loud. Definitely loud. Everything had been going okay though.

Meanwhile, the young (h/c) haired girl sat silently in her English class, feeling the gaze of many students falling onto her. She rubbed it off as a coincidence and continued to work on a narrative essay she was currently writing on.

Feeling the pencil on her fingertips and the sheet of paper sprawled out in front of her, she toyed with it for while, as her (e/c) eyes scan each word, thinking of ways to improve; something didn't sound right.

"Oh it's okay! Me and my friend were just hanging out, nothing to worry about!"

One of the many sentences in her essay sounded off.

"Zat's wrong."

She snapped out of her trance to hear the silk smooth German accent sound of a male's voice.

"Excuse me?" (Y/n) tore her gaze away from her paper and looked across the table to see another one of the new kids, (Y/n) remembers that his name was Ludwig or something.

"I said zat's wrong. It's actually 'My friend and I'." He says, gesturing towards her paper.

"Oh...oh, thanks." she replies and begins to fix her mistake.


There was a long but awkward silence.

Even with the many kids in the class speaking to one another, it was pretty uncomfortable that the two sat there for a millennium.

(Y/n) was the first one to break the ice. "Where are you from?"


"Yeah, I mean, I know that you speak German and all, but, where are you really from...?"

Ludwig's blue-ish gray eyes meet (Y/n) and he smiles softly, flustering her a bit.

"Alright, allow me to enlighten you zen."

He shifts his seat closer to her's and begins to explain, totally missing (Y/n)'s rosy cheeks. She wasn't used to people being this close to her. Especially a boy.

"You zee, ven I vas a child, I vas separated from my siblings ant lived in Austria until I vas 6, vich explains my accent, zen I moved to the U.S. with my family for a better quality of life. I hope zat clearet up any questions you might have hat." He beams cheerfully at her, and leans in a little closer. 'Oh god his accent,' she thought. (Y/n) can already feel herself steaming, 5 minutes into a conversation and it's already getting personal. Reluctantly, she tears her eyes away from the cute German.

"You okay?" he questions, looking genuinely concerned.

He proceeds to place his hand on her forehead.

"You seem to be heatink up."

(Y/n) nervously tugs on the collar of her (c/s) shirt, while wiping the other sweaty hand on her pants. "R-really? I-I think I'm fine, r-really..." She senses a weird sensation between her legs and crosses them shamefully.

Ludwig shook his head, and pulled back, moving to his original seating. "If you don't feel all zat good, zen I zink you schould go home."

"Haha, okay, I will..." (Y/n) furiously wipes the sweat off her eyebrows and continues to scribble nonsense onto her essay. Over the scraping sound of her pencil gliding over the paper, she swore that she heard him laugh silently.



This chapter was actually a lot of fun to write, especially when it came to Ludwig's accent lol. I know it was probably faulty since I don't have much experience but I think I did okay, I had to search up how Germans would pronounce certain words and all. Sorry it was so short btw, but I hope it was enough, stay well my bois, and don't forget to vote and comment! Since I'm now on Summer vacation, I'll be typing more often :3

Human Koopalings x Female Reader: A Crappy Fanfic by meWhere stories live. Discover now