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The shame I bear
And want to take
Don't tell the story
If you only have the picture
But the picture itself
Is a story on it's own
The person in the picture tells
A story that people don't understand
For they didn't experience it
They didn't have rumors
Spreading around them like wildfire
They didn't burn in their little bubble
The picture wasn't of them
No one followed them
And showed how much they hate you
They didn't haunt you behind them
Acting like shadows
And not telling us who they are
The picture was of me
Yes it was
And it hurt to know it was
But you shouldn't have took it
Watching me be me
I didn't want to be there
Not against my hold
The picture you showed
To everyone around us
To tell them a lie
A story that wasn't fully true
It wasn't my side of the image
No it was yours
You took it without me
Told me things that didn't happen
Spread things about me that hurt
And now what?
Who had to bear that pain?
Me and only me
Not anyone else
Because you didn't care
No one did
They just wanted a talk
Acting like I wasn't human too
Like I wasn't there
They talked behind me
Not even caring that I was in that hall
Now I am full of shame
And maybe their is only one way
One way to end this all
To end it
End everything around me
You know what I mean
Don't act like you don't
For soon you will bear that pain

Hidden Inside (A Poem Book) (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now