My heart beats quicker
As you come closer to me
I feel the blood rushing
Trying to get away
You grab me
Do something I wouldn't want
You hurt me so badly
Pushing against me with all force
I feel pain pain like no other
Inside this room
Full of darkness and sorrow
Something no one should feel
As you push against them
No way to get free
Of the hold that makes me change
You grab my head my your hand
Slamming it against the wall
Blood starts coming
And you continue all along
You go inside of me
Hurting me and not feeling
How cruel can a person be?
You just hurt and hurt me
Giving me a feeling
No one should feel
Like they are trapped
Against someone
That shouldn't be here
That shouldn't be free
My whole body in pain
Trying to pull away
Get away from this feeling
And then the door slams
And someone rushes inside
Scared by the sight in front
They call for help
And I'm away from the trap
Away from the hold of you
Upon me and my soul
They grab you
Take you away from the world
And from me
But even if I'm not trapped
The feeling will always haunt me
And I will want to get away from this
The pain and sheer terror of you
So I do something I shouldn't
I stab through myself
And leave this world behind
Leave your hold
Leave this trap
Set upon me by you
You hurt me
Gave me pain that shouldn't be given
And I left it
And now I'm gone
Gone from it all
Everything even my family
Who didn't set a trap upon me
And now I don't know what they feel
And I can't do anything else
Hey readers. That poem was dedicated to all those women out there who have experienced something they shouldn't have. And no I myself have never and hope never will. But I hope you don't end your life because of it like how my poem describes. It didn't happen to you to end your life. Your life still has a meaning. Even if you feel pain like no other. It hurts. But don't let it take you away. From your family and all those who actually love you. Thank you for reading.
Hidden Inside (A Poem Book) (On Hold)
PoetryIt's all Hidden Inside. Deep within this poem book. Feelings of disparity to happiness. Depression to smiles. The journey within. Through my poems. By, Raya Bhuiyan