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I've always held the wrong realm
The wrong thoughts
Filled with mysterious wonders
Of grave dangers

I've always held the broken ones
Who cannot choose
Between sadness and happiness
Lost in between each other

I've always been the weed in the patch of flowers
Growing the wrong way
Leaving dark marks
And making its way around others

I've always fallen when others were up
Lying there
Clueless about what's around me
Trying to get up
But always falling down again

I've always been myself
Being judged for who I am
Different than the others
Standing out
Yet invisible in the crowd

I've always changed the wrong things
Starting with the right
Ending with the wrong
Thoughts shriveled in my head
Crumpled away

I've always been darker than others
Finding the black in the white
The dark in the light
The shadows in the sun

I've always been different
This is me
Not you
Let me be different

Hidden Inside (A Poem Book) (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now