Ochaco's Confession

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The afternoon sun shone over UA and all the students leaving the school on their way to their individual homes.
"Hey! Deku!!" Ochaco yelled as she ran towards the green haired boy, making him freeze.
"H-Hey Uraraka!" Izuku replied, stuttering like normal.
"Wanna study together? My dad said I could stay out until 6!"
"Sure!" Izuku spluttered without thinking.
"Great!" The brown haired girl smiled.

The two were walking to Izuku's place in complete silence. "Why did I agree to this?Why did I agree to this?" Deku thought over and over again, slightly regretting saying yes as he was now an awkward mess.
"You alright? You seem flustered!" Ochaco asks, tilting her head to the side.
"Yes!" Izuku yelled.

Okay...?" The brown haired girl looked a little worried for a friend when the words came back into her head
"Do you like him?"
She shook her head, her face red "No! He's wrong! Deku's just a friend..." She thought to herself
"Uraraka?" Izuku asked, snapping her out of her embarrassing thoughts.
"Hm?" She she asked, as she turned to face The one for all wielder
"Are you okay? You spaced out." The green haired student seemed to be really worried about his crush.
"Yeah, I'm fine" Ochaco responded, nodding as she talked.

The two continued walking together until they arrived at Izuku's house.
He opened the door and stepped to the side "You can go in first" He murmured as Ochaco stepped inside. She was immediately stopped by Izuku's mother.
"Izuku! You're home!" Inko shouted in delight. "Oh.. Hiya!" She greeted Ochaco with a smile.
"Mum, This is Uraraka" Her son smiled as he greeted his friend.
"Oh! Uraraka! Izuku talks non stop about you! Its a pleasure to finally meet you!"
Izuku and Ochaco instantly blushed, Izuku's face was much redder than Ochaco's.
"Its a pleasure to meet you as well!" Ochaco smiled, a tint of red still remaining on her already pink cheeks

The two walked to Izuku's room and began to study, it was incredibly difficult but they manged to get through it. After they had finished they had a small break until Uraraka remember something. "Deku... Didn't your mum say that you talked non stop about me?" She asked.
"Oh! Th-Thats bec-c-c-cause you-your Q-Quirk is re-re-really c-c-cool!" The One for all user spluttered.
"Thanks! But I think yours is cooler! You can just punch and any enemy would just fly away!" She yelled running around his room  imitating his punches, careful not to break anything. She then noticed something under an All Might poster.
"Deku...?" She asked as he picked up a small bit of paper. "Why in my Hero Analysis is there a small heart next to my name?" She asked, pointing at the heart.
"Oh! Er... Well! That's because... Er... Well... It's because..." Izuku stuttered, he took a deep breath and sighed.
"Remember when I said that All Might was my favourite hero?" He whispered, hiding his face.
"Of course!" Uraraka answered "You absolutely adore All Might!"
"Well, He's my favourite Pro Hero... I have a new overall favourite...." He murmured.
"Who is it? Is it 13?? He's pretty cool!" Ochaco asked.
"Well... Its Uraravity..." Izuku's face was now a complete red. He had the chance, if she didn't take this as a confession he had to make it obvious it was a confession.
"Uraravi...ty....." Ochaco then realised what that meant, that was her hero name.
Izuku hid his face in his hands as he heard footsteps walking towards him and someone lean up against his bed.
"Well" Uraraka began "Deku is my favourite hero... He's so cool! I love his willing to help.. Especially when he saved me.. That was really heroic!"
Izuku was left speechless. He tried to say something but nothing came out of his mouth. He removed his hands from his face to see Uraraka leant up against his bed.
"Deku... I really like you..." Ochaco whispered, her face a bright shade of red.
Izuku's head exploded with happiness.
"Uraraka.. Confessed to me..." He thought to himself. He couldn't understand if this was a joke or not. He tried to say something smooth but all came out was a very quiet "I feel the same way..."

Izuku and Ochsco soon were caught in conversation. Ochaco was sat on Izuku's bed gently resting on his arm. "So, does this make us a couple?" Izuku asked, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Do you want us to be a couple?" The brown haired girl giggled.
"I'd like to be a couple..." The One For All user smiled as he clutched Uraraka's hand.
"Then we are!" Ochaco announced, pure happiness in her voice. Izuku could only smile, finally the day he could only dream of had come

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