Nerdy Date

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The sun crept into the class rep's window, the crisp autumn air flowing into the room full of books, and someone punching the door, in an attempt to wake him up. A slight yawn escaped his lips, he rubbed his eyes before sitting up in his bed.  He slowly removed the covers which were sheltering him from the cold and stood up before he began to shuffle over to the door. He grabbed hold of the door handle and steadily opened it, it let out a loud creak as he did so. His girlfriend shoved her face so it was only inches apart from his, a giant smile on her face.
"Tenya! Let's go on a date!!" UA's Mechanic yelled in his face.
"Mei..." Tenya began, he had gotten used to his girlfriends yelling and was no longer affected by it. He rubbed his eyes and smiled at her. "I'd love to go on a date." He answered simply, grabbing a pair of glasses and putting them on.
"You were cute without glasses..." Mei mumbled, pouting slightly.
"I can't see without them" Tenya chuckled, finding some clothes to wear.
"Then how did you know who I was?" She asked, completely oblivious to the fact that she screamed in his face.
"Even without my glasses, I can still see true beauty." Tenya chuckled softly, before walking into the small bathroom to get changed. Mei's face instantly went red, she slapped her hands against her cheeks and they were burning.

Tenya left the bathroom, he was wearing a casual dark blue shirt to compliment his dark blue jeans. He then noticed that Mei was wearing a pair of his glasses. "You look cute" he commented as he was now stood in front of her.
"Thanks Tenya! Could I keep them?!" Mei asked, a bright smile across her face.
"Of course" Tenya answered simply. He then reached out his hand and smiled at her "Shall we start our date then?" He asked. Mei gave him an enthusiastic nod, earning a smile from him before he took her hand and began walking out of his dorm room.

The two walked into the beautiful countryside which layed just outside the the dormitory, Mei continued to talk to Tenya about her newest 'baby' whilst he listened to everything she said. He knew everything about that conversation, he could quote it word for word. The two continued to walk through the countryside.

"How about we sit here?!" Mei asked, excitement filling her voice as she pointed at a small bench which layed between some trees and a small lake was in front of it.
"That does seem like a nice place to take a rest..." Tenya murmured, his index finger supporting his chin as he talked. The class rep was then suddenly pulled towards the bench, he jumped slightly but then realised that it was Mei who pulled him.

The two sat down, Mei rested her head on Tenya's shoulder.
"Tenya...?" The pink haired student whispered, intertwining her fingers with her partners.
"Why did you accept my confession?" She asked, shaking slightly. This question was confusing to Tenya, to him the reason was obvious. But to Mei, the reason wasn't all too clear. The hands of the class rep was placed onto Mei's cheeks, pulling her face close to his.
"Mei, there is one clear reason why I accepted your confession. You are amazing,  spending time with you is the most fun I could of ever asked for. You are also extremely passionate about this relationship." Tenya explained, his eyes locked onto his partner's
"Te-Tenya..." Mei muttered slightly, small tears trickling down her cheeks. Her mutter was cut off by Tenya's lips being pressed against her's. A soft red tint covered her cheeks as she slowly leaned into the kiss, the cool autumn air drifting through their hair as they shared this blissful moment.

Tenya slowly leaned away from the kiss and smiled sweetly at the flustered Mei.
"I love you, Mei.." He whispered softly, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her in for a warm embrace.
"I love you too..."

(A/N) Sorry for the lack of chapters recently. Writers block has hit me like a train. But finally, I've escaped it. Three chapters are in the work. One of them include two members from the big three. I must warn you, I am an anime only person so I might not understand their characters completly, but I despiretly wanted to write for this ship. And if you don't want to be spoiled, I'll make sure you know which chapter it'll be! That's all from me. Hope you enjoyed this! Peace out!

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