Having You Here

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(This took place during the dorm chapter)

Ochaco heard a quiet knock at her dorm room and her face went from boredom to happiness. Izuku had come to visit her! She darted to the door and opened it and there stood her partner, Izuku.
"Hey Ochaco" He greeted as he entered her room and closed then door behind him.
The moment the door closed, Ochaco pulled Izuku in for a hug. Her head resting on his shoulder. The two parted from the hug and Ochaco sat on the floor and pulled Izuku down with her, her thumb not touching is arm so he didn't float away.
The green haired boy sat next to his partner and wrapped an arm around her waist and held her close to him as Ochaco's TV was playing random channels but the two didn't care, they had eachocher and that's all that mattered. A few minuted had passed and the two were still watching TV. Suddenly, Izuku felt something under his chin which moved his face so it faced left.
He then noticed that Ochaco was leaning in slowly. He closed his eyes and also began to lean in. Their lips met after about a second. The kiss lasted for about 5 seconds before the two parted and gazed into eachother's eyes.
"That was nice..." Izuku whispered, cupping his partners left cheek with his left hand.
"It was.."

The two stayed with eachother for the rest of the day until lights out. As Izuku left he kissed Ochaco's cheek and smiled at her "I'll see you tomorrow.. Love you" He said before opening the door and returning to his dorm.
"I love you too..." Ochaco whispered to herself, she quickly grabbed her phone and messgaed her partner. 2 seconds after Ochaco sent the message Izuku had responded and they managed to talk for about 2 hours until Izuku fell asleep and so did Ochaco

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