A Nice Trip To The Park

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After Ochaco and Izuku's confession to eachother the previous evening only one person had heard about it. That was Tenya. The pair knew they could trust him and they were correct. No matter what, Tenya didn't tell anyone about it.

"Hey Deku! Hey Iida!" Ochaco yelled, waving her hands.
"Hey Ochaco!" Izuku smiled sweetly.
"Good Evening Uraraka" Tenya greeted
"Do you guys wanna go to the park near the school?" Ochaco suggested, tilting her head to the side. "I'm really want to hang out with you guys!"
"I'd love to go!" Izuku smiled
"I would love to go as well. It would be nice to hang out with you guys!" Tenya smiled, pushing his glasses up his nose.
Ochaco smiled as she began walking with the two boys towards the park nearby their school. Ochaco was in the middle of the two as they began to talk about the school day. Of course, since Tenya knew about their relationship, they were holding hands and walking extremely close together.

The sun was still shining over them, due to it being summer still. As the trio arrived at the small park. The birds sang sweet songs as the UA students found a nice tree to sit in. They all began climbing it, leaving their bags on the bench nearby. Tenya had climbed to a higher part of than the other two and sat for a bit, before getting out of the tree to answer a phone call from Mei. Of course, during the call Iida was doing his hand movements and seemed to be blushing slightly
"Do you think Iida and Mei are dating?" Uraraka whispered as she noticed him blushing.
"Not sure... If they were he'd tell us wouldn't he?" Izuku replied.
"True, maybe he likes her..." Ochaco giggled slightly.
"My most sincere apologies. I must go, Hatsume needs me to help her fix something." Tenya bowed in apology as he ran off.
"Mei might confess.." Ochaco smirked slightly.
Izuku nodded with a slight smile plastered on his face.

The two were left alone. The flowers bloomed as the sun's light rays hit the flowers and bounced of them producing beautiful colours forming around the couple, Ochaco's head resting nicely on her partners shoulder. The beautiful summer breeze flowing through her hair.
"Hey Ochaco..." Izuku began, slowly wrapping his arm around her waist.
"What's up Deku?" Ochaco asked, turning her face so she was now facing him. She noticed that his face was a dark shade of red. "Deku?" She asked again.
Izuku slowly moved his face closer and closer to his partners, his heart began to race and sweat dripped from his forehead.
As the one for all wielder was slowly moving his face forward, Ochaco had a slightly different idea. She quickly wrapped her arms around the green haired student and pulled him close to her. Their lips me, Izuku's face went bright red but he slowly leaned into the kiss. The blissful moment lasted only a couple of seconds before Izuku pulled away and gazed into his partners eyes.
"You're a pretty good kisser" Ochaco whispered, out of nowhere.
"So are you.." Izuku whispered back, not loosing eye contact. Ochaco quickly kissed his cheek and hopped down from the tree to collect her bag.

Izuku quickly followed and grabbed his bright yellow bag and began to follow Ochaco The two talked, hand in hand as they walked. After a while, they arrived at Ochaco's placed first which wad before Izuku's in their route. Ochaco gave him a quick kiss goodbye and a very flustered Izuku walked off to home. It was dark when he finally arrived home, he placed his covered hand onto the door handle and pushed down. He opened the door and Inko immediately ran up to him.
"Izuku! Where were you?!" His mum asked, she was extremely worried.
"I was hanging out with Ochaco" Her son answered, blushing slightly.
"You two are cute together" Inko smoled slightly, she was happy that her son had found someone and he was safe.

Izuku went to his room and sat on his bed, he picked up his weights and began to use it. All Might merchandise covered his room. He thought about everything that had happened to him over the past week and smiled. He realised how lucky he was that he had a girlfriend like her. He loved Ochaco with all his heart. He loved her cute smile, her adorable face, her angelic voice, he just loved everything about her and he hoped that Ochaco felt the same way. He placed the weights onto the floor and layed down on his bed, he sighed slightly as he closed his eyes. He couldn't stop thinking about Ochaco and the kiss that had happened a little while ago only made that worse. The feeling of her lips on his was melted into his brain, he blushed slightly as he reimagined the situation. He rolled onto his side and finally began to fall asleep. The autumn breeze flowed through his open window, it played with his hair slightly as he slept soundlessly.

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