Making The Bird Smile

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Tokoyami was a very difficult person to make smile, he normally always wears a frown. This made Mina have an idea. She wanted to try everything she could to make that bird smile.

One morning, she noticed him sat on the sofa in the common room reading.
"Hey Tokoyami!" She called.
"Hello Ashido." The raven headed student greeted, his voice as monotone as ever.
"I have a question, have you ever smiled?" Mina asked, standing in front of Tokoyami.
"I am not sure. Why?"
"Well, I haven't seen you smile. So I want to make you smile!" Mina called, pointing at Tokoyami.
"Okay." Tokoyami simply answered, closing his book and staring at Mina.

An hour had passed and Mina still hadn't made Tokoyami smile. She tried jokes, falling over and various other things. Suddenly there was footsteps heard and slowly the person was revealed, Mina's face burnt up as she noticed him. "H-Hey Sero!" She stuttered, waving slightly.
"Hey Ashido!" He greeted, he hadn't hears about Denkis message yet. "What are you up to?" Sero asked, taking a can from the fridge.
"M-Making Tokoyami laugh!" The pink skinned girl answered, determination in her voice.
"Good luck" Sero chuckled as he sat on a different sofa to observe.

Mina continued to try, with Sero in the background laughing at every time she failed. And around an hour of trying and failing, Tsuyu walked up.
"What are you up to Mina?" She asked, walking next to her friend.
"Trying to make Tokoyami smile." Mina answered simply.
"Oh, that's easy." The frog girl answered simply.
"No it isn't! I've been trying for at least an hour!" Mina yelled.
"Yeah, she has. I've watched her." Sero chuckled, taking a sip from his second can.
"Watch" Tsuyu ordered as she then stared Tokoyami in the eye and smiled slightly. "Ribbit" she croaked, her smiling growing slightly. And then, the unthinkable happened, Tokoyami smiled slightly. He tried to fight back the smile, but Tsuyu was too adorable.
"Told you." Tsuyu said blandly as she went to get some food. Sero and Mina stood there in shock. "How.. Did she do that?" Mina asked, still gobsmacked by the events.
"Tsuyu is my partner for a reason." The bird head answered simply, standing up to join his partner in the kitchen.
"Huh? You two are dating?!" Mina almost yelled.
"Yes." Tokoyami answered as he walked into the kitchen.
"They are quite cute together.." Sero admitted, now standing next to Mina.
"True.." The pink skinned girl agreed, her face burning up slightly as he got closer to her.

"Right Mashirao. We need to get those two together." Toru announced, walking around her dorm room with her partner sat on her bed.
"I don't think we should force them together. I mean they both like eachother, can't we just wait for them?" Ojiro suggested.
"Yeah, but wouldn't it be more exciting for us to be the reason for their relationship?" His partner asked, excitement in her voice.
"I guess, but I don't want to interfere... If you're gonna do it. I'm not gonna join you, sorry Toru.." Ojiro apologiesed walking up to her.
"It fine! Dont worry! You don't have to do anything!" Toru called as she wrapped her arms around Ojiro.
"Alright then" The martial arts hero chuckled slighty as he returned the hug

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