School Party Plan!

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It's was a normal school day in UA, class ran as normal but everyone noticed Tenya was a little more jolly than usual. Everyone else shrugged it off, since they could use desks as seats again and rest their feet on top of the table and various things they previously couldn't do. But Izuku and Ochaco where the only two to actually question this.
"You seem to be really jolly Iida." Izuku began
"Care to explain why?" Ochaco finished.
"Well," Iida began "You know yesterday when we were at the park? Well. The phone call I received was from Mei Hatsume who you two know her as the one who tricked me." Tenya explained, the last part got a chuckle out of the couple. "And after school on Wednesdays and Firdays I've been helping her make upgrades to her machinery. And as my quirk is related to engines, Ive been helping her by also making blueprints."
"Sooo?" Ochaco asked, wishing Iida to hurry up with the explanation.
"And it seems that she has developed feelings for me.." Tenya added, blushing sightly.
"How do you know that?" Izuku asked, looking slightly confused.
"Well... She sort of asked me on a date last night..." The class rep explained, his hands stopped moving and were placed by his sides.
"Did you say yes?!" The couple asked in unison, clearly interested.
"Of course I did." Tenya answered, looking a little confused "Why would I say no? She's a lovely person once you get to know her!"
"Im proud of you two" Izuku smiled, meanwhile Ochaco was freaking out, she slammed her hands on Tenya's table like it was a drumkit.
"Please do not slam your hands on this table!" Tenya yelled waving his hands like a robot "Our upperclassmen have used these and they've grown into brilliant heros!" He continued yelling. The couple giggled at the sight of Tenya freaking out.

"Fucking nerds...." Katsuki muttered as he glared at Izuku and Ochaco.
"Hey! Bakugo!" A familiar voice greeted.
"Whats up shitty hair?" The blonde haired snapped, a small smile appearing on his face.
"How are ya?"Ejiro asked as he sat on the desk next to Katsuki.
"Could be better could be worse. How about you?" The ash blond asked.
"I'm pretty good, thanks for asking" The red haired winked with a smile.

"Hey, Jiro! Im curious, who do you like?" Mina asked, slamming her hands against Kyoka's desk.
"Wh-Why do you want to know?!" Kyoka spluttered, her face a bright shade of red.
"Dunno, just want to know!" The pink skinned girl answered, smirking slightly. "Besides! If you tell me, I'll tell you who I like!"
"F-Fine.." Kyoka groaned, fiddling with her earphone jack. "I-I guess I like Kaminari... I mean, he's pretty good looking and his quirk is really cool..." She murmured, her face getting redder and redder the more she talked about him.
"Well, I like Kirishima.. He's so cool and super good looking!" Mina exclaimed, a smirk slowly growing on her face.

"Hey! How do y'all feel about a party at my place?!" Mina yelled out loud, pure excitement in her voice.
Everyone looked a little confused because of the randomness of the idea but that eventually agreed.
"Alright! Meet up at the shopping center and we'll go to my place!"
Everyone nodded and soon continued with their original conversations.
"WHY THE FUCK DO I NEED TO GO TO A SHITTY PARTY?!!!?" Katsuki yelled in pure frustration.
"Calm down dude, I'm gonna be there" Ejiro winked with a smirk.
"FINE." Katsuki snapped, smirking a little as well.
"Are we going as well?" Izuku asked as he turned his attention to his girlfriend.
"Yep! It'd be fun!" Ochaco winked.

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