The Awkward Couple's Sleepover

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Izuku quietly sighed as he sat down. "So, what should we do?" He asked as they waited a few minutes in silence.
"Maybe we can.. Watch a film?" Uraraka requested.
Izuku shrugged "There's noting better to do.." He chuckled as his girlfriend went to get a film. She soon found a film and popped it into the DVD player before sitting close to Izuku.
"Thanks for having me here.." Izuku whispered as he wrapped his arm around Uraraka and held her close.
"You're welcome!"
The two watched the film, Izuku still had his arms wrapped around his girlfriend as they quietly exchanged jokes about the film.

"Hey, Deku.. Should we get some shuteye?" Uraraka asked once the film was finished.
"Shall we stay here.. Or.." Izuku answered, his face suddenly going red.
"Sh-Sh-Should we go to my room?" The gravity girl asked, trying to hide her red face.
"Sounds.. Good.." Izuku nodded slightly as he carefully picked Uraraka up, bridal style, and began to walk to her room.
The gravity girl buried her face into her boyfriends chest, her face still red as the two walked through the hallway to her bedroom

The two entered Uraraka's bedroom, the door creaking.
"Pretty girly room..." Izuku teased with a slight chuckle as he put Uraraka on her bed and sat next to her.
"At least my room isn't full of one hero." Uraraka teased back, the left end of her lip curling up to form a smirk. Izuku then placed her down on the bed and layed down next to her, still quietly talking to her.
"Hey, wanna do something before we fall.. And shes asleep.." His voice went from a whisper to a mumble in a matter of seconds as he realised his partner were asleep. He layed down as well and slowly placed an arm around her and sighed as he finally began to fall asleep.

The next morning Uraraka awoke to someone's arm placed around her, the sight of this caused her to jump slightly but then the memories of the previous night began flooding to her as she rolled over to see a sleeping Izuku. Her hand gently played with his hair as she waited for her boyfriend to wake up.

"Och-Ochaco..." Izuku mumbled as he woke up and felt her soft hand run through his hair.
"Morning Deku.." His girlfriend greeted with a smiled.
"How did you sleep?" Izuku asked, yawning slightly.
"I slept well, with you by my side..." Uraraka whispered as she curled slightly closer to Izuku. "How about you?"
The boy couldn't help but blush at her comment "I slept well.." He answered, tightening his grip around her.

The two stayed in bed until Izuku had to go home, due to Inkos worry about her son.
As he left, Izuku quickly stole a kiss from his girlfriend and ran home. Uraraka layed down on her bed and sighed as she heard her front door open and close, Izuku had left her house. At least for now. She quickly grabbed her phone and went to message the girls, a smile still on her face at the thought of the green haired boy in her bed.


I know it's short! But I hope you liked it!!

I'm rewriting the Denki and Jiro confession and Todoroki and Momo confession from chapter 4 (Starting with KamiJiro) See you in the next chapter!!

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