Mechanical Love

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(This takes place during chapter 2 btw)

Tenya ran up to the Department Studio of UA, Mei had called him up as she needed help with some new machinery.
"Hatsume!" Tenya called as he opened the door a little out of breath.
"Oh! Hiya Iida!!" Mei greeted with a large smile on her face. "Why the rush?"
"I didn't want to be late. And besides, these are important to you" Tenya answered, catching his breath.
"Aww, thats sweet!" Mei smiled at Tenyas words, the thought of someone actually wanting to help her was amazing, everyone else seemed to want it over and done with as soon as possible, but this boy genuinely enjoyed making machines with her and that amazed her
"That's it, that's the reason for these feelings..." She muttered to herself as she continued working on her new "Baby"

"Is there anything you needed for this protect?" Tenya asked as he walked up closer to Mei.
"Erm... Nope! I just wanted you here!" The pink haired girl answered with a slight giggle.
"Why would you just want me here? You always call me because you need something off of me!" Tenya called, his arms moving up and down, almost like a robot.
"Well, I still want something from you!" Mei called, almost teasing him.
"What is it?" The class 1-A class rep asked as he stood up straight, ready for anything.
"Your company!" Mei answered, a smile once again on her face.
"Oh, Alright then." Tenya nodded, he then noticed something strange about Mei.
"Erm, Hatsume" He began
"Hm?" Mei answered, turning her head to face him
"May I ask you a question?" Tenya asked, scratching the back of his neck
"Of course!" Mei answered, nodding like there was no tomorrow.
"Why do you always seem so happy around me?" He asked, looking Mei in the eyes
"Well, its mainly because. No one else seems to enjoy building machines with me. You are the only person that I've met in a long time who truley loves machinery as much as I do, it may be because of your quirk but still.." Mei answered, but it looked like she had more to say so Tenya simply stood there and waited.
"Cant hide this for longer eh?" She chuckled to herself as she walked closer to Tenya, her face a slight tint of red.
"Tenya, I think I er.. I think I have feelings for you!" She almost yelled as she buried her face into Tenya's chest, hiding her blush from him.
"Hatsume..." Tenya began, no one had ever felt this way towards him. Everyone seemed to want to be in a relationship with him due to his family and believing they would get some money off of him. But Mei, she was different. He gently wrapped his arms around Mei and rested his chin on her head.
"I feel the same way.." He simply replied, and out of nowhere, Mei cried into Tenya's shirt. But she wasn't depressed, quite the opposite, she was overjoyed that someone. Someone finally cared for her, Tenya wasn't any normal person to her. Tenya was special. He was sweet, determined and quite handsome.

Tenya quietly pulled Mei from this chest and looked her into the eyes once more
"You're brilliant.. Mei.." He whispered as he gently planted his lips onto hers. Mei wanted to squeal in delight! But she didnt want to disturb the best moment of her life, so she returned the kiss and wrapped arms around Tenyas neck. As they parted they looked into eachothers eyes once more and smiled.

This.. Was Mei and Tenya's happiest moment.

(A/N)Sorry this was a pretty weak chapter!

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