The School Trip

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It was around winter and Christmas was a month away. The snow poured from the sky as everyone sat inside, quietly chattering until...
"EVERYONE!!" All Mights sudden booming voice echoed through the classroom. "Today you'll be in groups of six, but. Class 1B and the supporting class will be coming alongside us." The 1 hero explained.
"You may pick your groups!" He exclaimed as he left the classroom, in style of course, since his time was up. The classroom erupted into several conversations about their groups.
"Iida!" Izuku yelled as he and Ochaco ran over to him.
"What is it Midoriya?" Tenya asked as he stood up.
"Wanna be in a group with us?? I'm assuming you wanna be in a group with Hatsume."
"Of course, I'd like to join a group with people I enjoyed hanging out with, along with my partner." Tenya explained, smiling slightly
Izuku nodded in return "That's good! Now we need two more people..." And as he thought that someone tapped his shoulder.
"Hm? Oh! Hey Todoroki!" Izuku smiled as he turned around to face Shoto.
"Me and Momo were curious if we could join your group." Todoroki asked, keeping a blank expression.
"Unless you've already got 6 people!" Shoto's new girlfriend chimed in.
"Sure! You guys could join!" Izuku smiled at the thought of have some more of his friends in his group.

"Katsuki!" Ejiro called as he placed a hand on his parents shoulders.
"Wanna be in a group? We've already got 5. We just need one more!" He asked.
"Why the fuck not. But first, who's the other 4?" Katsuki asked, standing up with has hands in his pockets.
"TetsuTetsu, Kendou, Kaminari and Jiro"
His partner explained, wearing a toothy grin
Katuski simply nodded.

The snow set down, still having small flakes of snow falling, the temperature was in the negatives.
"Everyone!! File into one single line!!" Tenya yelled as the school stood in front of a couple of buses. Everyone finally filed into one line.
"What do you think we're gonna do?" Hanta asked Minrou as they continued to wait.
"I don't know! But I hope we're gonna see some cute girl- ow!" Minrou yelled as someone chopped the back of his neck.
"Don't talk like that." Momo snapped
Shoto chuckled quietly "Nice one..."
"Thanks Shoto..." The creation girl smiled.

"Damn it..." Tenya grumbled as he sat down next to Izuku. The bus had a completely layout from what he had thought.
"How many times has this happened?" Ochaco giggled, covering her mouth.
"Quit teasing him" Mei chuckled, patting her partner's back.
"Maybe next time Iida.." Izuku smiled, chuckling sightly as well.

"Right, in your six groups you can walk around this area. Arrive here at 7pm and we'll head home for 8." Aizawa announced in his normal monotone voice.
"Come on!" Izuku yelled as everyone split up, he desparelty wanted to see everything to do with All Might. As Ochaco and Izuku were running around, Tenya and Mei were geeking out as the looked at everything tech related.

Shoto and Momo were quietly walking together, with Momo on her partner's left side for warmth. Shoto then went to check his pocket.
"Crap..." He murmured as he rummaged through his pocket.
"What's the matter?" Momo asked as she heard him.
"I forgot my scarf...." The half and half quirk user sighed as he continued looking through his pocket.
"Want to... Share mine?" The creation girl asked, her face a shade of red.
"Sure..." Shoto whispered as he felt Momo wrap her scarf around his neck as well as her own. Momo simply smiled as she faced Shoto, her face still red. Shoto returned the smile.
"Where do you wanna go?" Momo asked, her voice soft as the two began to walk.
"Not sure... Not many hero's interest me... Should we just go with Midoriya?" Shoto answered, his face still wearing the smile as they continued walking
"Sure.." Momo answered, a smile appearing on her face as she felt Shoto take her hand

"Wow!!" Izuku yelled as he looked at all the All Might merchandise as Ochaco silently slipped away with something in her hand, making sure Izuku didnt see anything.
"Ochaco! Look at.... this..." Izuku yell went to mumble as he noticed that his girlfriend wasn't there. He quietly placed the All Might figure back onto the shelf and decided to look around for her. He found her at the cash register and seemed a little confused as he waited for her to finish purchasing her item. As Ochaco turned around and saw Izuku, her cheeks became red as she quietly walked over to him and handed Izuku a small bag, hiding her face away.
Izuku remained silent as he opened the back which revealed a small All Might figurine. It looked exactly like the one Izuku already owned but that didn't stop him from tearing up. "Th-Thank you... Ochaco..." He sniffed as he quickly hugged Ochaco.
"Its... All I could do, to thank you.." Ochaco whispered as she carefully wrapped her arms around the crying Izuku.

Shoto and Momo had just arrived at the scene and the creation girl gave out a little squeal.
"What's up?" Her boyfriend asked, a little concerned about the squeal.
"Look at them! They're so cute!!" Momo tried to whisper, but ultimately failed.
"Shall we go in?"
"And interrupt them?! No!" Momo answered, rather quickly.
"Alright... Where should we go?" The Icy-Hot hero answered, looking around for something to do.
"We can just walk around a bit!" Momo answered, a smile across her face.
"Sounds good.." Shoto murmured as he turned around and began to walk around with his girlfriend.

"TetsuTetsu! Look at this!" Ejiro yelled as he pointed at a statue of yet another hero.
"Them getting on that well together can get a bit annoying..." Itsuka chuckled as she was stood next to Katsuki.
"Yeah..." Bakugo grumbled, trying to contain his anger.
Katsuki turned to his right and noticed Shoto and Momo, walking side by side and hand in hand.
"Lovey-dovey bastards..." Katskui growled.
"Don't get all explody on us" Itsuka winked as she walked over to the boys.
"Come on TetsuTetsu!" Itsukua called as she began walking off.
"Coming!" Her partner called as he ran up to her, leaving Ejiro and Katsuki alone.
"Hey... Katuski... Where do you go?" Ejiro asked, clearly realising the awkward tension rising.
"I don't care." Katsuki grumbled.
The red haired boy carefully grabbed his partner's hand and closed his eyes tight, bracing for an explosion, but it was worth the risk. After a few seconds he carefully opened his eyes and noticed Katuski looking away, his face slightly red
"H-Hey..." Ejiro began.
"Don't let go.." Katsuki growled as he felt Ejiro slowly release his hand. He chuckled softly as he grabbed Katuski's other hand and pulled him into a warm embrace. The two stayed there in that position, Katsuki surprisingly was enjoying it. Ejiro, on the other hand, was silently fanboying as he felt Katuski tighten his grip around him.

Soon everyone had gotten back on the bus. Momo had fallen asleep on Shoto's shoulder.
"Hey, Deku! Do you wanna stay at my place for the night?" Ochsco asked as they neared school grounds.
"S-Sure!" Izuku stuttered. "Wow, a night with Ochaco..." He thought, trying not to think of anything weird. The bus finally arrived at the school and everyone went home.
Izuku and Ochaco were walking back to Ochaco's house. The green haired boy gently took his partners hand as they neared Ochaco's apartment.

"Here we are!" Ochaco smiled as she closed the door behind the two of them.
"Its a nice place.." Izuku whispered as they sat down on a sofa.

I'll finish this in the next chapter. I'm glad you guys are enjoying this! The next chapter is already in the works!! Love you all!!

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