U.A Dance

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Thanks for 1k reads! I never thought that this shit story could even Reach 100 reads! I'll continue updating until Ive finished (which isn't anytime soon!) Pleasure enjoy this chapter!!

Finally, the dance had arrived. Momo was getting ready with Jiro, Momo was going with Todoroki whilst Jiro was going with Denki.
"So.." Jiro began as she was looking for a dress "Are you excited to dance with Todoroki?" She asked, with a small smirk.
"Of course! What about you and Kaminari?" Her friend asked as she began putting her hair into her signature ponytail.
"Hopefully he's gonna do well" Jiro answered with a chucke.

Whilst the girls were getting ready, most of the guys were also getting ready.
"Oh! Iida! You're going as well?" Izuku asked as he noticed Tenya putting a suit on.
"Of course I am, why wouldn't I be going?" The class rep responded, waving his arms like normal.
"Who are you going with?" Denki asked, finishing tieing his tie.
"Mei Hatsume." Tenya announced proudly.
"That machine bitch?" Bakugo grunted as he sat on the chair in the room.
"Don't call her that." Tenya snapped.
"Ooo! Iidas getting protective over his girlfriend!" Denki and Kirishima both teased with a huge smirk on their faces.
"Oh shut it. Both of you." Izuku snapped, defending his friend.
"Thank you Midoriya.." Iida smiled as he finished getting dressed. He quietly sat at a small chair at the back of the room checking his messages to see of his date had told him about meeting up. Iida soon stood up and walked to the door "Well, I best be off. My date is waiting for me." He announced as he opened the door.
"Bye Iida!" Izuku waved as his friend left the room.
"I'm honestly surprised that Iida managed to get a date." Denki admitted a few minutes after Iida had left.
"So am I.." Kirishima agreed, sitting next to a pretty angry Bakugo.

After all the boys had gotten ready for the dance they all stepped outside one after the other. Leaving only Izuku left. The green haired boy sat on the chair Iida had sat on and checked his phone. The girls were also all ready. Izuku's date was looking for him
"Hey, Tsu.. Have you seen Deku?" Uraraka asked her friend.
"I believe he's still in the room where the boys were.. Not sure where that is though..." Tsuyu answered.
"Thanks Tsu!" Uraraka smiled as she began running around looking for the room.
After a few minutes she finally found the room. She went to knock, but stopped herself.
"What if he doesn't want to see me right now? What if I annoy him? What if-" Her thoughts were cut off by the door suddenly opening.
"Oh, Ochaco.. Hey!" Izuku almost mumbled as he noticed his girlfriend stood in front of him in a short pink dress, she looked adorable to him.
"Hey Deku..! Sorry if I was disturbing anyone.. I just got a bit worried since you didn't show up..." His girlfriend answered, rubbing the back of her neck.
"Oh! Sorry for making you worry.." Izuku exclaimed, his face slightly red.
Uraraka gently took Izuku's hand and smiled "The other's are waiting, come on!" She told him as she pulled her boyfriend to where everyone else was waiting.

The couple finally arrived. Everyone was either dancing or standing to the side.
"Come on baby! Just one dance!" Kirishima yelled as he tried to pull his partner up onto the dancefloor.
"DONT 'BABY' ME SHITTY HAIR!!" Bakugo screamed as he pulled Kirishima back. "IM NOT FUCKI- MMM!" He was quickly cut off by Kirishima's lips being pressed against his own.
"Come on Katsuki.. One dance, please?" Kirishima asked, with a little smirk as he moved closer to Bakugo. His voice calm and soft
"Fine." His boyfriend grumbled as he was pulled to the dancefloor.
"They're so cute!" Toru told Mina as they were sat at a small table off to the side.
"I agree!" The pink girl nodded.
Uraraka quietly turned to Izuku and looked up at him "Hey, D-Deku.." She began.
"What's up?" Her date asked, noticing her slight stutter.
"Could we.. Dance together?" Uraraka asked, gripping her dress.
"Of course..." Izuku simply answered as he swiftly took Uraraka's hand and led her to the dance floor.
Izuku placed a hand on Uraraka's waist as his partner placed her arms around his neck. The two almost glided across the dance floor, of course with some slip ups here and there
Everyone watched in amazement as the two danced around the small area.
"I swear to god! We can fucking dance better than that!!!" Bakugo yelled, his voice echoing.
"Now that's more like it!" Kirishima yelled as he began dancing with his partner.

"You're amazing Ochaco..." Izuku whispered, trying to ignore the yelling couple near them.
"So are you.." His girlfriend chuckled as they stopped dancing, Izuku's hand slowly moving so he was holding Uraraka's hand
"Hey.. Deku.." Uraraka whispered.
"What's up?" Izuku asked gently wrapping one arm around her.
"I love you..."
"I love you too."
"Awww! Look at them!" Mina yelled as she saw the couple.
"They are quite cute" Tokoyami admitted.

After a moment or two, Izuku and Uraraka had sat down in a small corner and other couples were up dancing. With a very drunk Mina dancing in the middle.
"Hey.. Tokoyami..." Tusyu whispered as she noticed the raven headed boy sat on his own.
"Yes, Tsuyu?" Tokoyami asked, moving his head up so he was facing the frog girl.
"Could we.. Um.. Have one dance?" Tsuyu stuttered slightly as she held out her hand.
"Of course, I'd love to." Tokoyami smiled slightly as he took his partners hand and guided her to the dance floor. He slowly began to dance with her, he did step on her feet a few times but he finally managed to learn the rhythm.

While all this was happening Kirishima wanted to try something. He turned his head to Bakugo and slowly stood up, a small smirk on his face as he walked over to  his partner.
"Hey, Katsuki~" He greeted as he sat in front of his partner.
"What?" Bakugo snapped as he looked up and noticed Kirishima.
The red-haired student didn't day anything instead he swiftly stood up and tucked his arm under Bakug's leg and the other supporting his back and hoisted him up to his own chest.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" Bakugo growled as he began to try and escape.
"Shhh" Kirishima whispered as he planted his lips on Bakugo's.
"Fuck you.." Bakugo muttered, his face red.
"Is my little Bakugo embarrassed?" Kirishima teased as be began walking out of view of everyone.
"What the fuck are we even doing?" A very red Bakugo asked as he noticed everything going darker and a single light, showing a small room.
"Something we don't want anyone to see~"  Was all Kirishima said as he placed Bakugo on a small bed.

"Where did Kirishima and Kacchan go?" Izuku asked as he noticed two empty seats near the back.
"No idea.." His girlfriend asked. "Look!" She almost yelled as she pointed at Todoroki and Momo dancing.
"They're amazing..."  Izuku whispered, a tad jealous.
"But you were better than them!" Uraraka winked, a smile still on her face as she wrapped her arms around her partner.
"Thanks Ochaco..." Izuku whispered as he wrapped his arms around his girlfriend, keeping her close to him.

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