Wide awake

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"Pssstt y/n we managed to pack everything you had here....he still thinks you're out..." Connor whispered as he sat at the end of the bed.

"Wh- oh guys! That's great..." I was trying to be brave but all I wanted to do was cry and be hugged. I knew I had to stay strong for them...if I didnt it would only make it harder.

"We're going to sneak you downstairs okay." Jeremy smiled. He was a big help, always happy and that's exactly what we need right now.

I managed to get downstairs safety and was greeted by the others.

"What are we going to d-"

"Y/n. You're back." I was quickly cut off by Noah.

His voice sent shivers down my spine. I was froze.

"Play it cool" Leilah mouthed.

I nodded and gulped as I turned around slowly. I almost fainted when I saw the blood still stained on his clothing. His hair messy and face covered in dirt.

"I missed you." He grinned evilly.

"D-did y-y-you..." I asked shaking slightly.

"Where's all your stuff gone y/n." He asked as his grin faded into a dark snarl. He moved closer to me our noses almost touching.

"I-I..." I closed my eyes as a tear ran down my face.

He lifted my chin up roughly and grinned evilly. "You weren't going to leave me where you..." his eyebrows raising as his grip got tighter.

All I could manage to make was a whimper. I was in the hands of a murderer.

He let go and shoved me lightly. But I was so weak at that moment I fell onto the floor hardly.

He knelt down and placed a harsh kiss on my forehead. "I know you wouldn't leave me....I know." He growled and glared at everyone.

"I want to talk to you in the basement....I have a surprise I think you'll like." Everything about him was like thunder. He was a storm about to erupt.

"A-actually we where just leaving." Michael butted in before I could answer. He picked me up gently.

"Where." Noah shoved Michael. God he was like any school bully ever but the worst one out there.

"Just to get uhm...." Michael struggled with lies.

"To get sushi." Finn smiled to himself. He knew Noah wouldn't want to come...he hated sushi.

"Ah great that gives me more time to sort out my surprise for you." He snarled and walked down the the basement. Giving me one more evil glare.

We all took a sigh of relief and got out of the house as quick as possible.

I fell weak into Connors arms.

"Hey it's okay...it's okay." He put his arm around my shoulder and we got into the car.

"Guys where are we actually going..." I asked quietly.

"My house I live in Virginia which is far away from here...you get to be safe y/n!" Michael smiled as he drove off.

I smiled so wide that my mouth began hurting.

"W-we are!!" I squeaked.

"Yes...we cant leave you here..." finn smiled.

(Time skip 8 months)

"Mornin!" I strolled downstairs and picked up a letter addressed to me. "Oooooo yay a present!" I laughed.

"Who's it from!?" Leilah asked.


You shouldn't of left love.

You're playing a very risky game.

I'll see you in Virginia maybe all of you can see my surprise.

-your Noah.



"L-look at this letter...." I began shaking as I handed it to them.

"Oh god. How did...how did he know where we are!!?" Finn snarled angrily.

-knock knock knock-

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