4·사🎓: influenced by rapanzel

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I dont know how its spelled help


" sshh, quiet or elseㅡ ,,
the stranger rasped with a deep voice, not until jeongguk takes out a pan out of nowhere and hits it on the males head making him stumble back on the bed and jeongguk escape of the grip.

" ouch what the f×ck !!! ,,
Taehyung yells in pain and holds onto his head, tightly while jeongguk moved backwards till he hit the end of the bed.

Jeongguk reaches out to on the lights and points the pan on taehyungs face.

"Who the f×ck keeps a frying pan on their bed ?? ,,
taehyung disbelievingly asks now rubbing his head to soothe the harsh pain.

" Well, maybe for any case where a burglar like you would enter !! ,,

"I can bㅡbreak your bones by just using my ass !! ,, jeongguk stutters confidently at the stranger in front of him, but his hands were visibly shaking but still pointing at taehyung, can bit him in any case.

" like me? Geez. ,, taehyung rolls his eyes and slips off the black mask he had on, and jeongguk lowers his pan and widens his eyes.

" NOODLE BOY !?? ,, jeongguk shouts as he recognized the male now.

" whaㅡ what is it with you always calling me noodle boy ?? ,, taehyung angrily argues.

Jeongguk looks up and down taehyungs features, noticing that this guys body isnt as much as big as his own and says with a smug look
" i dont know...just you look like it maybe ? ,,
" oh and if your hair one day gets curled maybe you will be the definition of noodle boy. ,,

"Ugh f×ck off. Watched rapanzel much? My head hurts so bad because of you. ,,

Jeongguk began to laugh and hit his own knee
" omg yes ! I just watched today morning actually. Thats why i had a pan over here thinking that something like on that movie could happen in real life and guess what !? ,,

" what ? ,,

" It did ! ,, jeongguk began to cutely laugh again and taehyung was giving him a look that says "seriously"

After jeongguk stopped laughing and opened his mouth to say something next he hears a knock on the door, making him aburtly stop his movements with taehyung doing the same.

" ggukie, what is with the noise ? Is something wrong ? ,, jeongguk hears a faint sound and he was so relieved that his mom knew how to knock before entering. He quickly turns to the noodle body guy and whispers
" hide you dimwit ! ,,

" what did you just called me ? ,, taehyung whispers back, glaring.

Jeongguk just snickers and says
" noodle boy theres no time for arguing just hide anywhere goddamnit ! ,,
" i cant let my mom knowing a guy is here ! Although she wouldn't really mind butㅡ"


Jeongguk mutters a curse word and throws a blanket on taehyung to cover him before heading towards the door.

" Oh, hey there cutie. ,, jeongguk quickly childlikely compliments and wiggles his eyebrows.

Mrs.jeon slaps the taller male than her on the arm and laughs it off.

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