24·이십사🎓: your sexy figure

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because i have to take him down, silly!,,

“...no you won't.“


Taehyung took a deep breath, turning his gaze to anywhere but Jeongguk.
“i s-said, you won't, ok? He's a f-friend...“
He states.

Jeongguks confused stare softened immediately after hearing what Taehyung  mumbled.

“Taehyung...trust me, i don't want to do this either. But please, you need to understand that this is my job.“
Jeongguk reassuringly smiled, patting taehyungs shoulder who was hesitanting.
“instead, you should be grateful im letting youㅡ,,

“No! Take me instead!!,,
Taehyung suddenly yelled, startling the younger who suddenly went quiet.


“Take me instead! Just leave him be... Please.“

Jeongguk twitched an eyebrow, suddenly feeling uneasy,
Just who is this guy to him that he so desperately wants to keep!???
I shall sue everyone who is close to him.
Jeongguk thought, annoyed.

“ what's so important about him?,,

“v-very! Very important..! I knew him for so long before i even met you. And he's a live friend. He helped me go trough so much, for so many things...“
The older proclaimed, which made Jeongguk innerly roll his eyes.

I'm definitely gonna sue himㅡ

“ok, Taehyung....theres another way to get out of this.“

“what way?,,
Taehyung asks curiously.

“you and him get to pay all the dept.“


“JEONGGUK I HAVE NO MONEY, PLEASE UNDERSTAND!! Forgive me , pleaaaseee!!!,,
Taehyung begged, kneeling down in front of jeongguk.

Well....taehyung for the past 10 minutes has been begging like this after what jeongguk had offered.

Jeongguk sighed, and taehyung kept making fake crying noises, begging hard.
He felt bad, he should understand taehyungs situation...but it was his job. What could he do?

“I'll kiss your leg if you want!,,
Taehyung tried, holding jeongguks leg who suddenly flinched.

“wow, okay, okay, thats unnecessary,
you dont have to go that far.“
Jeongguk blabbered making an ew face, moving his leg away from taehyungs hold.

“okay, look.“
Jeongguk suddenly says, sitting down as well, being at same level as taehyung.
“I'll...i might help you find a job. It seems like you really need one.“
Jeongguk sternly says, placing his arms on taehyung shoulder, who only blinked.

“...im- good for nothing.“

“no, taehyung. There must be something you are good at, dont lie!,,

“yeah, good at nothing.“

Jeongguk gave taehyung a blank face, with a small look that says
" are u fcking shitting on me"

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