32·삼십 이🎓: envy

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S-so lonely....need comments...please

Also don't forget to check the chapter numbers to follow the story in right orders


When they arrived at their needed destination, Jeongguk was the first to jump off the bus with a reliefed loud sigh, screaming "FCKING FINALLY!!" on the top of his lungs.

the older chuckled at the smaller ones act as he walked off the bus as well.

"Well, wasnt our long bus journey quiet interesting, hm?"

"Fck no. It was hell."
Jeongguk countered, out of breath.
"I hope in your job's bathroom have a shower."

"If it does, would you shower together with me?"
Taehyung slyly asked, lips forming a handsome smirk.
Jeongguk looked at the older man with a raised brow, before cursing and turning to walk away.
"whatever." he mumbled out with a small tint of blush covering his chubby cheeks.

"Aww, my baby."
He wants it, doesnt he?
Taehyung cooed, admiring the shy boy before running to catch up the youngers quick pace.

"Then I'm going to make sure they have a shower thereㅡ" taehyung tried whispering near the younger s ear, who didnt even let the older finish as he elbowed the mans chest, hard.

Taehyung yelped and then rubbed his pained chest while laughing, jeongguk began walking even quicker, almost reaching the building already, having taehyung to follow his back.


"Do you own a Polaroid?"


"What version? Can you show me? Do you have it with you right now?"
Taehyungs new boss asked.

Taehyung nodded with a small "of course." as he took out his camera out of his bag, not forgetting to clean the lenses with his cloth before handing it to the older guy.

"Ooh...quiet poor quality, i see."
The man muttered as he observed the average sized camera. Looking at it closely and checking out some buttons.
Taehyung awkwardly chuckled from hearing the statement, embrassedly mumbling "couldnt quiet effort the high quality one, sir."

Taehyungs boss, mr. Yamada hummed, continuing his studying the Polaroid, but after a while  he looks up at Taehyung with a soft smile.

While the two guys were discussing about the whole camera thing, Jeongguk stood beside Taehyung, waiting.

However, the boy was becoming quiet interested as he began looking aroud the studio of the Young Model Industry (the name of the place).

While doing so, from far away he spotted the girl taehyung talked to before. The girl which caused Jeongguk to feel insecurity.

Was it...Hwasa? He presumes, suddenly feeling anger built up in his body, seeing her pose so sexually to the photo, literally sticking her ass out to the photographer guy.
"What a bitch...her ass doesnt even look that nice. And even trying to seduce the photographer? Pft, how low of her."
"I bet my ass looks betterㅡ"

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