21·이십 일🎓: bossy bottom (+fanarts)

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So many skip times kk i apologize i just feel like its getting boring so i need to get to the main plot quickly

(Read till end to see a bottomkook fanart that i drew~ please~)

Jeongguk got out of his classroom as soon as he could, it was lunch time and he needed to eat badly.

He, without waiting for yoongi, runs to the cafe near outside university.

But what he didnt expect is to be met with taehyung, there.

Thankfully the older hasnt noticed his presence, hasnt even tooken is yes away from the laptop as he was in deep concentration. Typing something and writing it on his notes after.

Jeongguk found himself smiling fondly. He feels bad that taehyung failed, he was such a hardworking student.

Jeongguk, then, remembers what was his reason of coming here. He quickly reaches to the menu and chooses random food, such as cookies and latte and a pair of sandwiches.

Once it was done, he quietly walks over to taehyung.

He greets in a soft voice, smiling.
But taehyung continued doing what he was doing, and only then jeongguk noticed that he had earphones on.

Well this is awkward...i got ignored.

“hyung, hi.“
Jeongguk says more louder this time, taehyung, however, still stayed still writing on the paper, not acknowledging that guk was here. Literally in front of him.

Jeongguk huffed, pouting.

He yells, angry from the lack of attention he was receiving.
Taehyung finally looked up, a weirded out look on his face. But soon it fades into a surprised one, and he takes off his earphones.


“HELLO, Taehyung. ,,
He repeats, still huffing.

“oh...hello gukie, 'm sorry, was jus' preparing for the renew exam. Is something wrong?,,
Taehyung asks. Jeongguk just sighed, he should understand the older, hes going trough a tough time.

“have you you eaten?,,
Jeongguk questions with concern,
Taehyung hummed, shaking his head.

“no, i havent. I dont feel hungry. i just found this place guiet, to study, and not get distracted. ,,
You dont want to spend, youre just economing money, thats why.

Jeongguks eyes widened, how can he work with an empty stomach? Jeongguk sure couldnt.
“ no! You should eat something, hyung!!,,

“ what? Um,no, guk, im fineㅡ,,

“shut up! And stay here. ,,
He hisses and runs over to the menu again, leaving a tried-to-protest taehyung behind.


Jeongguk ended up buying two tasty bulgogi and one cool drink (for tae), alongiside with what he ordered before.

It was expensive, yes, but jeongguk had money, so...

“guk..you didnt have to, these are expensive, i cantㅡ“

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