Chapter 6 A New Day

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Today was great my team won the Football game by four points. We walked into the house covered in grass stains and mud, and everyone's hair messed up. "Alright kids showers, then will go to Taco Bell" said Mom, we all ran up the stairs to hurry. Some of us even went into the guest bathrooms to get a shower done.
       After showers Mom, Aunt Sally, and I did everyone's hair that wanted their hair done. Mom did Bell's hair, Nova's hair, and her hair. Aunt Sally did Arthur's hair, Colton's hair, and Oscar's hair. I did the triplets hair and Penny's hair. And me being me, I just threw my beanie on. After that everyone was out the door.
Everyone except Uncle Andrew and Aunt Sally got into our new family car. And this time Mom didn't forget about Violet! No one fought on the way to Taco Bell we were all just laughing and still having fun.
Our family took up several tables and we also gave the workers a lot of orders. I sat with Penny, Nova, and Dallas. Penny follows me around like a little duckling and I am the only one she listens too. Beside Aunt Sally and hopefully Mom one day. Nova sat with me because she knows if a guy try's and messes with her. And they don't; I'll mess them up for her. Dallas and I have always been close though, so he usually sits with me.
And I bet your wondering how are we close when we can be like a ticking boom. Well he went off on me once when we were younger. And to be blankly honest I kicked his ass, and he respects me more than others. Plus I can loose my temper, but its hard. Because you have to push my buttons right to tick me off.
As I sit their eating my taco Nova starts to freak out. "What is wrong with her" asked Dallas creeped out "either she saw a really hot guy or she is choking" I tell him. "I vote for the first option" said Penny turned around in her seat "why" I asked turning around. I turn to see one of the popular boys from school, who is also a player/bad boy. I know typical.
"Ugh. It's just Julian O'Connor" I say and turn around I notice Penny hasn't turned around. So I turn her around for her. "Nova stop staring at him like a creeper" I tell her, Nova gives me a dirty look then turns her head back to him. "OMG" she squeals I had to force myself not to cover my ears. "He's coming over her" she says all frantic "how do I look" she asks.
I stare at her for a second then say "like someone I need to hit" Dallas chokes on his soda. And Penny giggles a little and Dallas joins in a little. Nova gives me a glare as I smirk at her.
"Hey Dallas" says Julian as he nods to Dallas, who nods back. They know each other from football. "Now which one is Nova" asked Julian obviously trying to flirt with us. I roll my eyes and Nova smiles. "You know which one is Nova" I bit at him "Kara" said Nova picking up a tomato and throwing the at me. I catch it then eat it "thanks" I say to her smirking.
Julian obviously trying to brush away the fact I'm not interested in him says "who's this cutie". "Penny one of our younger sisters" says Nova "also obviously to young for you" I say. Dallas does his best not to laugh, Penny laughs though while blushing. And Nova threw another tomato at me and I let it hit me. "Can't you be nice" said Nova through gritted teeth "not to a pig" I say and get up from the table.
Dallas chuckled as I left and Penny died laughing, while I felt another tomato hit my back. I stand outside enjoying the nice weather we were having. When I saw someone approaching me out of the corner of my eye. It was a creepy dude I had noticed staring at Penny and me before.
I don't move trying to seem like I don't notice him, and let's just say he doesn't seem to notice. Once he's a few inches away from me, he grabs my arm and try's to kiss me. My reaction wasn't what he was expecting. I had knees him in the balls and clubbed him in the back. He falls to ground, but quickly gets up. He pulls out a rag and a knife; I took a wild guess that the rag had Chloroform on it.
He slash's my left cheek, and try's to put the Chloroform on me. But I grab his wrist and twist his arm. His knife briefly scraps my arm, but at the time I didn't notice. Once I'm behind him I let go of his arm. He turns around towards me and I, Ruby Round House him in the face. (Ruby Round House is a character is Jumanji 2). He falls to the ground and I rush inside to Mom, Uncle Andrew, and Aunt Sally.
They seemed startled by me at first but notice my cheek and arm oozing with blood. "Oh My Sweet Jesus!" says Aunt Sally "what happened?!" asked Uncle Andrew. "A creep tried... to sexually harass me... and when I didn't comply he tried to... to kidnap me" I say out of breath. "I'm calling the cops" says Aunt Sally taking her phone out "while you do that I'm kicking this ass hats Ass!" said Mom. See where Dallas and I get it from.
Mom walks over to Dallas "you come with me, we're kicking someone's ass for trying to hurt Kara" says Mom. Nova, Penny, Dallas, and ugh Julian look to me as I stand behind Mom. Nova now has a guilty look on her face, and I see Julian's face harden. Which is... weird. Dallas stands up furiously and Penny clings to me.
"Let's go" says Dallas storming out the door with Mom. I sigh "better go make sure they don't kill him" I mutter I tare Penny off me so I can go. I put her in Aunt Sally's lap; as I am about to open the door it opens for me. I look to the side to see Julian and Gabriel (Julian's Best Friend with him). "Mind if we join" he asks I roll my eyes "whatever" I say my hands in my pockets.
        When we get to where I left the man Mom and Dallas are taking turns kicking him. "Mom, Dallas stop the cops are coming" I say they both look at me then the creep. They both kick him once more in his ribs then walk over to me.
        "Dang Kara, your family is deadly" said Gabriel, I smirk "you haven't seen anything" I tell him. He looks at me shocked and so does Julian, but I just brush pass them. I hear Dallas tell them "yeah Kara's the most deadliest out of all of us" my smirk grows at Dallas's words.
        The cops arrive a little after Mom and Dallas's kicking party. The cops get my statement as the paramedics check me out. They slapped hand cuffs on the guy and took him away. The paramedics gave me the okay and let me go.
         I made my way to the car with my mom's arm around my shoulder. "Kara" said a voice I looked to see Gabriel "I'll be right there" I tell Mom. Mom shacked her head and headed to the car. "What's up" I asked Gabriel as I crossed my arms over my chest. "I just wanted to say sorry about Julian. He can be a total ass" said Gabriel, I could tell that's not what he was going to say. But I took it "it's okay and if you want you two can come over tomorrow. No promises I'll be nice to Julian though" I tell Gabriel.
        He smiles at me and shakes his head "that be awesome. I'll see you tomorrow then" said Gabriel. "Yeah definitely" I tell Gabriel as I let a small smile on to my face. We then walk away from each other and I walk away smiling. I get in the car still smiling as we go home I am excited about tomorrow.
        When we get home we all change into PJ's and relax in the living room. "Who's turn is it to pick the movie?" asked Bell as she placed two bowls full of popcorn down on the coffee table. "It's Penny's turn" says the triplets as they point to Penny next to me.
        Penny hasn't left my side since I had walked back into the Taco Bell. After calming Mom and Dallas down. Well except when she fell asleep in my lap and I asked Tony to put her in the car.
        "Go on Penny. I'm right here" I tell her as she looks up at me, Penny get up off of the couch. She walks over to our shelves that were filled with Disney Movies. It takes Penny only a couple of seconds to pick a movie. She brings it to us and shows us. "Beauty and The Beast" says Tony disgusted "well no one likes watching Wall-E every time you pick" said Penny stomping her foot. Tony was shocked and hurt, but though Penny was acting like a brat. She was right.
"Just put it in Penny" I say she nods at me then goes to our Blue-ray player. "Be nice Tony" I say kicking him, he gives me a dirty look and I glare at him. Tony huffs then looks to the TV and shuts up. Penny comes back over to me as Mom and Aunt Sally come back into the living room.
Mom sits down next to me with a first-aid kit and Aunt Sally places two bowls of homemade tail mix down. "Let's check your wounds" says Mom as she opens the first-aid kit. I pulled off the bandages the paramedics gave me. Mom cleans the wounds a little more than places new bandages on them. "How do you not flinch at the pain" asked Bell, who is always amazed by me.
        "Because for some reason I just scream fight me or kidnap me" I say as I sit cris cross on the couch. Everyone laughs then turns to the movie to watch it.

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