Chapter 22 Christmas is coming

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         It's been a week since Ricardo and Lucky have arrived, and Ricardo has been teaching Arthur and Genesis Spanish. Ricardo has me help everyone know and then, but not very often. Once or twice a week Ricardo and I speaker nothing but Spanish, and the twins knew what we were saying. They just can't speak it yet. Christmas is coming soon and so is Christmas break, and Christmas just like Thanksgiving is a big deal.
         The entire family takes the month of December off, and we all travel to a Ski Lodge. Our parents invited Gabriel and Julian's folks, and they all agreed to it. So this winter our family is going to need a bigger Ski Lodge this year.
         Also Ricardo met Julian and it was quite funny. The whole time Ricardo spoke Spanish, and nothing else till the last five minutes. Which by then Ricardo and I were dying with laughter.
         Today is December First and the day everyone leaves for the Ski Lodge. As we put our things into the car Lilly's Car pulls up. I smiled as Julian stride over to me. "Hello My Love" said Julian "ooo that's sounds wonderful to hear" I say as I kiss Julian. "Dad! Kara is trying to end up like a younger version of Bell" said Genesis "HEY!" cried Bell. "Genesis she can't get pregnant by kissing him" said Nova "then how will she end up pregnant" asked Arthur.
         "Will have that conversation when you guys are fifteen" said Mom as she places another bag into the Family Car. "Or we can ask some kids at school" said Arthur "do that" said Mom and the twins shrugged 'ok'. "So you excited about this" I asked Julian "yeah a whole month with things me and you could do together" said Julian. "Hey Kara" said Dad "yeah" I said looking to him as he puts his phone away.
"You should stay back" said Dad "why" I asked confused "because C.M. is going to be there too" said Dad. "Who's C.M." asked Julian "someone my parents were trying to force me to marry" I say "wait what" said Julian looking to me then my parents. "It was stupid of us. So we called it off" said Mom "So you were engaged" said Julian "against her will" add Dominic. "And at one point we were into each other" I admit "but then he went off and cheated on her" added Nova "so she broke them engagement off" Arthur and Genesis added in.
         "And when our parents told her she couldn't do that" said Tony "she ran away to Nana and Pop's" said Dallas "which is three states away" Bell added on. "Then Mom and Dad got to thinking after Nana and Pop. Gave them your insane talk" said Tony "and then they called it off" we all say together. "Got to my family" I say and Julian chuckles. "Maybe it would be best if Kara stayed behind" said Julian "and I could stay with her" "no" shouted Mom, Dad, and Lilly. "Nice try" says Dylan as he pats Julian's shoulder.
         "I am going and that's final" I say as I place my suit case in the car. "Alright" says Dad "plus you guys know I hate his guts. After the last stunt he pulled" I say. "What stunt was that" asked Justin "yeah" agreed Julian "trying to force Kara to go with him" said Dallas "which was practically kidnapping" said Dominic. "And Kara being Kara. Kicked his-" "butt" said the triplets butting in to what Tony was going to say. "Not the wording I was going to use. But yeah butt works too" says Tony.
         "Anyways Maya are you riding with us" asked Mom "Dylan and Bell are driving together" "yes. If it's ok with my Mom" said Maya. Maya turned to Lilly and gave her puppy eyes and so did Penny "Please Miss. Lilly" said Penny. "It's fine with me" says Lilly "Julian if you want to. You can too, Tony is riding with Justin and your Mom" said Mom. Julian looked to Dad, who was giving him death glares. Mom didn't even have to turn around to know "John stop" said Mom still looking at Julian.
         "I don't want to impose" says Julian "no it's fine" says Mom "well then I'd love too" says Julian. "Alright" says Mom "alright everyone in. We don't need to be the last ones their" said Dad, and everyone got into their vehicles. The dogs got in first, then everyone else did. Julian and I sat three rows away from Mom and Dad in the front, so Dad didn't harass Julian. I had brought a book along and earplugs to listen to music too. Buck my giant Pyrenees dog laid across mine and Julian's lap. He's heavy, but I'm use to it, so it didn't bother me that much.
The whole ride I slept mostly like I usually do, and according to Julian, I look cute when I'm sleeping. To block out my loud siblings I put in my ear buds, and it definitely helps. And when I wasn't sleeping I was reading, or eating to go food. And you would think this tore our family apart, but in truth we become closer.
As we pull into the driveway of the Cabin we see that Grandma and Grandpa had already arrive. So did Aunt Maggie and Uncle Jerry with their kids, also Nana and Pop were here too. So were Uncle Owen and Aunt Sophia and their kids, also Aunt Nicole and Uncle Frank with their kids. After the car stopped Bell and Dylan pulled in, then Lilly pulled in with Justin and Tony. And behind them was Gabriel and his family.
"Is it true" asked Aunt Nicole as she walked up to Dad "is what true" asked Dad. "That Cheating Clayton Mason is here" said Stephanie "oh god" said Dad "well is it" asked Aunt Nicole. "I swear they live for gossip" said Dallas as he stretches himself out "mhmm" said all the females here. "Yes it is" said Dad as he rolls his eyes feeding me to the hyenas. "Omg! Kara, you poor thing" said Stephanie "you must be heartbroken still" said Aunt Nicole "um. No I have Julian, and I very much love him" I say.
"And I love you too babe" said Julian wrapping his arms around me "aww" said all the females here. "Bell, honey are you crying" asked Dylan "it's the hormones. Ok" said Bell walking away tears pouring down her face. "Ok" said Dylan confused as he continues to get their bags.
After everyone has finished stretching we grab our bags and head inside. As we reach the door Grandpa and Grandma handed us our room numbers. We then all head inside, and look for our rooms. I don't think Grandma and Grandpa realized they put Julian's room next to my room. Then again they could have done it on purpose; I am not complaining though.
Later on Aunt Sally and Uncle Andrew arrived, and a little while later Uncle Henry and Aunt Olivia arrived with their kids. Also I ended up bunking with Nova, Stephanie, and Quinn. Bell and Dylan are bunked together, Tony, Dallas, Julian, and Justin are bunked together. Dominic, Arthur, Ricardo, and Xavier are bunked together, Jake, Gabe, Jackson, and William are bunked together. Taylor, Zoey, Willow, and Lizzy are together, Zack, Tyler, Klaus, Luke, Oscar, and Colton are all together. Also Penny, Alice, Eleanor, and Iris are bunked together. And the married adults and Lilly get their own rooms, well except Mom and Dad. Their sharing with Violet and Lucky.
         As me and my roommates unpack Stephanie just kept going on about how bad she felt for me. Which by her third or fourth comment I was out of there and banging my head against a wall. "Kara" I knew the voice it was Justin, but I wasn't going to answer. I choose to keep banging my head against this wall. "Are you ok" Justin asked "if I was ok would I be banging my head against this wall" I said to him. "Fair point" said Justin "then who pissed you off" Justin asked I stopped banging my head against the wall and looked to him.
         "Stephanie" I say "and what she do" asked Justin "kept going on how she felt bad for me. About C.M. being here" I say. "Oh" said Justin "yeah" I said knowing this made him feel uncomfortable. I slide down the wall thinking about continuing to bang my head against the wall. Justin sits down next to me "let me guess first love" said Justin "yeah" I say as I rub my eyes. "Ouch" said Justin "well. Who did he cheat on you with" asked Justin "Fucking Sarah" I say.
"As in Sarah, you were about to kill with a baseball bat" said Justin "that's the one" I say confirming it. "Next time I see I may kill her with a baseball bat" said Justin "what sucked even worse was he knew. Her father tried to kill me" I say. "Oh and I will him except with a knife" says Justin, I smiled and sighed at Justin. Justin was quite for a bit probably thinking "why don't you threaten her. You do it with everyone else" Justin tells me. He had a point there I do, do that to everyone else. "Your a genius Justin O'Connor" I say and hug him then get up.
I walk back into the room walk over to Stephanie "do you need a hug" said Stephanie. "No I need you to shut up! About C.M. or you'll die in his place" I say and Stephanie goes wide eyed. "What is going on" asked Aunt Nicole as she came in "and you" I say "the next time you mention C.M.'s name it better when I'm not in a thirty foot radius of you" I say. I then walk back over to my stuff and continue to settle in. I can hear laughter from the boys next to us, and anyone who heard. Probably everyone since I was yelling.
"John, Anna are you just going to let your daughter speak to us like that" I heard Aunt Nicole shout "you did know she hates C.M." I hear Mom say in my defense. I then hear Aunt Nicole storm off to her room, and I look back to see Stephanie still shocked. They did know I hate C.M.'s guts, so they knew they were playing with Fire.

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