Chapter 15 Finally

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After a long night of scares and Justin and Julian almost wetting themselves. Midnight came finally came along "Dad can you just faint or scream or something. So Dallas will stop all of this" Nova said as she came down the stairs. "Because it's not scary" Dad answered "he's speaking for himself" Mom added. Everyone laughed as they all crashed onto the couch.
        Dallas appeared out of nowhere again "Well family since once again Dad was not able to be scared" said Dallas through gritted teeth. "Then we shall once again do my Halloween Scares" said Dallas, and everyone booed him. "But next year will have some more contenders" said Dallas "but for now Goodnight" said Dallas as he made his way to the stairs.
        "I really hate Halloween" Nova and I said at the same time. Everyone then got up and made their ways up the stairs. "I'm going to show our guests their rooms" said Mom "Alright dear" said Dad and he kissed Mom's forehead. Mom walked over to Justin, Julian, Nova, Dylan, and me. Then we all watched Dad go in their room, and then we heard a ear piercing girl scream.
        We all rushed over laughing our pants off. We looked in to see Dad on the floor looking at Grandpa and Grandma dummies hanging from the ceiling. We all died laughing as Dallas did his victory dance.
"Did you guys help him" asked Dad "we duh their was no rule against it" said Nova. "Plus we all wanted this madness to end" said Mom, we all continued to laugh at Dad. "John lighten up" said Aunt Sally as everyone still laughed. "Finally I got Dad!" said Dallas and he started to dance around "and finally no more of Dallas ruining Halloween" added Tony and he then joined Dallas in his dance.
        And yes they dance amazingly we all do. Mom made us all take millions of dance lessons. From ballet, hip hop, etc. and some of us also picked up on some street dance moves when we visit Mom and Dad in New York during Summer time.
         After we all died with laughter and an angry Dad. We all headed to sleep with joy and a bright smile.

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