Chapter 16 Your Invited

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Another month passed by fast and I have grown extremely close with Julian and his family. Justin once tried to get me to leave Julian, but I told him no. Though it was more colorful. Julian was very proud of me, but pissed as well. School had just ended for Thanksgiving break and Mom was driving me to Julian's house. Then she was going with Nova to Gabriel's house.
I walked up to the house and knocked, and of course Maya opened the door. She shrieked and hugged me, she really likes me. Apparently she thought Julian would be nothing, but a player for the rest of his life. And I once thought the same till I started dating the guy. "Julian! Mom! Justin! Kara's here!" Maya yelled into the house as she let me in.
I could her someone practically running upstairs, and when they came down the stairs I saw Julian. "Hey baby" said Julian and I knew he was up to something. It was probably that Four Month Anniversary Surprise that he thinks I don't know about. I don't know everything since I couldn't get Nova and Gabriel to spill. But I do know about it which is good.
"Hey Charming" I say and Julian pecks my lips "do I get a kiss too" I heard Justin say. "No but you do get a hug" I tell him, and Justin opened up his arms. I hugged and I knew he was teasing Julian; while we hugged. "Kara. How nice to see you" I hear Lilly say when I pull away from Justin. "Lilly" I say "it's nice to see you too" "so what do we owe the pleasure of this lovely visit" asked Lilly. "She is lovely" said Justin, I rolled my eyes as Julian gave his brother a death glare.
"My entire family would like it if you joined us for Thanksgiving dinner" I inform them. "We get to meet all your siblings!" Maya shrieked "also my parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and dogs" I tell her. Maya started to shrill loudly, and everyone covered the ears except me. I'm use to it by now since she mostly does with me.
"So would you guys like to" I asked and everyone looked to Lilly "of course we would" she replies. "Great I'll inform my mother" I say pulling out my I-phone X.
They said "yes"! -Kara (me)
Great! So did Gabriel's family!- Mom
Good thing we added those three extra bedrooms.-Mom
Yeah. Or we be squished- Kara (me)
I'll be there in thirty minutes-Mom
Ok. See you soon-Kara (me)
         "Well you guys better start packing. My Mom will be here in thirty minutes" I tell them as I put my phone away. "Wait pack" said Justin "yeah. When it comes to Thanksgiving at our house. Anybody that is coming sleeps there for like three to five days" I tell them. They just stare at me in silence, but Maya being Maya geeks out. "Let's Pack!" she screams and runs upstairs to pack "yeah. Let's go" said Julian, and grabbed my hand.
        I help Maya pack and Julian checks in on us every know and then. To make sure Justin hasn't tried anything, and to make sure Maya isn't driving me nuts. Which it's kinda hard to drive me nuts, so Maya is fine. Justin kept asking me what he should wear, and I kept telling him anything is fine. Lilly was totally freaking out, I have never seen her so nervous. According to Julian is was because she wanted to make a good impression on everyone. But I knew she'd be fine just being herself.
         My Mom arrived with Gabriel and his family behind her. I told them to just follow Mom to the house and Lilly nodded her head understanding. I jumped in the car with Mom and Nova, we then headed back to the house with the others following behind us.
         We pulled up to the gate and Mom buzzed us in, and everyone drives on through. We pull up to see that Aunt Maggie and Uncle Jerry are already here with our cousins Jackson, Haylie, and Lizzy. We get out and immediately the dogs come out and greet everyone. And as usual Buck knocks me flat on my back. Scaring Lilly, Gabriel's Mom Sarah, and Gabriel's Dad Frank. But Mom and Julian reassured them, and they calmed down.
         Penny was ecstatic to see Maya again, and Penny pulled... well tugged Maya to follow her. Lilly, Gabriel's two younger siblings, and Gabriel's parents are amazed by the size of this place. "It's huge" said Lilly "it's even bigger than before" I say and they look at me curiously, even Julian. "We had renovations done" I tell them, and they looked a little shocked. "Three bedrooms and three baths" added Nova as Gabriel wraps an arms around her.
"Hi I'm Maggie and this is my husband Jerry" said Aunt Maggie, but I stopped listening when I felt Julian pick me up. I shrieked with joy; even though I was not excepting it. "Why don't you show me where I'm staying" Julian whispered in my ear seductively I smiled and nodded. Julian and I walked over to his Mom's car and got his bag. We then went inside and through the living room to a small hallway that lead to the three bedrooms.
We stop at the first door on the right. "This is your bedroom" I say as I open the door and inside was two bunk bed and a king sized bed in the middle of both bunk beds. "It awesome" says Justin appearing behind us "dude what the he-" "Julian!" we heard Lilly yell. And Julian grunted in annoyance at Justin "well I leave you boys to it" I say and leave. Julian trying to stop me, but I was not staying to see what happened next.
I go into the kitchen to see Bell and Dylan making out. "I'm Out!" I shout as I turn around and leave. "Kara!" I hear Bell yell after me but I was not stoping. "Caught Bell and Dylan making out didn't you" said Dallas as i passed him to go up stairs. "Yep" I shout as I continued to go up as Dallas and Dominic laugh.
"Hey Tony" I say opening his door after knocking "what's up" he asks as he looks away from his magazine. That could possibly filled with naked girls, but i don't want to know. "You think this was a bad idea" I ask him "is this about Julian still wanting to kill Justin over you" Tony asks. "Yes And Bell and Dylan have been caught making out four times already" I tell him. "I think it probably was a bad idea. But we don't know yet" Tony tells me his opinion. "Yeah I guess your right" I say "thanks Tony. I need that" I tell him "what I'm here for" he says returning to his magazine.
After talking with Tony I felt better, he is usually the wise one when it comes down to it. Except at school where I am the wise one, and he's the bully. Maybe this week wasn't going to be so bad after all I thought myself. But then the devil herself walked in through the door. Willow.

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