Chapter 14 Halloween? No Thanks

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        A month has passed since our entire family left; including the pain in the butt Willow. And you couldn't believe how happy many of us were to get away from her. Though we did learn Uncle Owen and his family will be moving into town. But hopefully we won't see them them that much, or at all.
When Bell went to her first sonogram she and Dylan learned they are have twins. And according to Bell and well.. me, Dylan fainted when he saw twins. And I bet your wondering why I was there. Well Bell wanted me to go because she thought I need to get out of the house. And so I can explain everything to Dylan instead of her. Let's just say she woke up with a surprise the next morning.
Today though is Halloween and I know what your thinking.
Awesome Costumes!
Haunted Houses!
Well my reply is No thanks; I am not really into Halloween like everyone, and actually my entire family hates Halloween. Well except Dallas. Don't get me wrong I like seeing all the little kids dressed up, and watching who can scare who. But the reason we all hate Halloween is because of Dallas.
Dallas has this scary Halloween Tradition of scaring everyone in the house to death. But he can never scare one person in this house, Dad. He has been doing this since he was six, and he has never scared Dad. Dallas is sixteen now ten years and he still hasn't scared him!
So everyone Halloween we all suffer just so Dallas can scare Dad. And several of us are leaving tonight so we won't have to suffer. When I say 'several' I mean only the younger ones. I am taking Arthur, Genesis, Penny,and Dominic to Julian's house who has offered to take them for the night. Yes Dominic is still young enough to not be involved in Dallas's Halloween fun. But next year he'll suffer with all of us.
        I knock on Julian's house door and it opens and I see a younger girl. Who looked about Arthur and Genesis's age. "Hi I'm Kara, I'm here to drop my siblings off" I say to her "OMG! Your Kara!" she shouts loudly. "Yes" I say "hi I'm, Maya!" she said extremely excited "oh hi Maya" I say. "And you guys must me Dominic, Arthur, Genesis, and Penny" she said pointing to each of them. "Julian has told us much about your family" Maya said still filled with excitement.
Me and my four younger siblings just stood there wide eyed. "Maya, who's at the door" I heard a male voice, but it wasn't Julian's voice. "Kara's here Justin!" Maya shouted to the male "ha! I bet she's nerdieeeee" said Justin as he came around a corner and saw me. "Y-your Kara" said Justin looking me up and down "yeah" I said kinda amused. I am kinda a nerd, but according to Dallas, I'm also 'bad ass' is his term.
"Um... uh come in Julian will be home in a little bit" said Justin, my younger four siblings looked at me and I nodded my head. They walked on inside with their stuff and I followed with my helmet. We walked down a good sized hallway that was filled with happy family pictures. Julian had told me his Dad left when Maya was one, so they didn't really talk about him.
We came into a nice sized living room and I saw two nice sized couches with a coffee table. "So are you five staying here" asked Justin as he sat on one of the couches. "Just them" I say leaning against a wall "why can't you stay" asked Maya. I giggled a little "because I have to suffer with the older family members" I tell her. "What don't you like Halloween?" asked Justin with a chuckle "no not really" I answer blankly.
Justin laughed, but he quoted down when the front door opened and closed. "Hey is Kara here" I knew that voice it was Julian. He came into the living room to see all of us hanging out. "What's going on" asked Julian "Your older brother is wondering why Kara hates Halloween" answers Genesis. "Because Dallas likes to scare the entire family on Halloween. Just to try and scare their Dad" Julian answered for me.
"He has scared many of us for life" I add and Justin looks shocked, but then it turns into mischief. "What did he scar you with?" asked Justin and I tensed up
"Was it clowns?" asked Maya
"Snakes?" asked Justin
"No" I answer
"What was it then" asked Justin with a grin.
"My Families Death" I answer and everyone goes silent, and Justin now has guilt on his face. "Well I better go" I say breaking the awkward silence "you guys be good" I say. Penny hands me my helmet she took and I gave her a small smile. I walked out the door knowing Julian was right behind me.
"You ok" asked Julian once he shut the front door "not really. I... I just really hate Halloween" I tell him. "I know Kar, but just a few more Halloween's" Julian tells me, I giggle lightly and smile "true" I agreed. I feel Julian wrap me up in his arms and I lean back into his chest. "I love you Kara Elizabeth Sage" Julian tells me and I'm shocked at first, but then I smile. "I love you too Julian Xavier O'Connor" I say back to him and he tightens his grip on me.
        I feel Julian place a kiss on the top of my head, and I feel my smile grow. But our moment is interrupted by a car honk and we look to see a car pull in. "That's My Mom" Julian whispers into my ear and sure enough an older look alike of Maya got out of the car. "Julian, who is the girl" asked Julian's Mom "this is Kara, my girlfriend" Julian tells her. "Oh hello dear. Please call me Lilly" says Lilly "yes ma'am" I say with a small smile.
        I notice she is caring groceries, so I wiggle out of Julian grip and go to help. I grab at least ten bags and Lilly notices "why thank you dear"  she says surprise as I grab two more bags. "Its no problem Lilly. My family usually helps getting the groceries and we get a lot" I inform her "I see" she says as we walk in through the house. We walk by the living room and everyone looks shocked to still see me. "Justin go get some bags" Lilly tells him, and Justin does, but he stares at me.
        "You guys go help" I tell my younger siblings and they get up and rush out the door.  We all get the groceries done fast since there was so many of us. But Justin had this weird thing about taking bags from me, and he kept watching me. And let's just say Julian wasn't exactly happy about it. "Thank you so much" Lilly said "it's no problem. You guys are taking four of my siblings" I say. "Well thank you anyways" Lilly says to me with a big smile and I smile back. I notice what time it is and knew I had to go "Well I got to go" I say.
        I hug all my siblings and even Maya, Penny and her get along great. So Penny wasn't to upset about me leaving like she usually would be. I walked out the door after hugging and kissing Julian's cheek. I got onto my Yamaha Supersport 2018 YZF-R3 Motorcycle. I was about to put my helmet on when Justin and Julian came out of the house.
        "Hey Kara is it ok if we come along" asked Justin, I looked to Julian confused but he didn't notice. He was to busy giving Justin the stink eye I sigh "yeah" I tell them. "Wait right here baby" said Julian kissing my forehead and they went back inside. I wait for a few seconds when I heard the garage opening. I look to see them both on Harley Davidson bikes. I put my helmet on and start my motorcycle, and then I drive off with them following me.
        We pull into the driveway and Justin looks shocked at how big the house and property is. We hearing a barking sound and we look to see Buck coming at us. "Oh no" I say and Buck tackles me to the ground and licks my face. Then the others come and I am licked and my jeans a pulled on. I laughed with joy, but then I hear "Here!" And knew Dad wasn't happy. They run back into the house and I was still giggling as Buck stayed right next to me.
        "Go on Buck" I say and he runs into the house Julian helps me up, and then I dust my self off. "Kara why is your bike out of the garage. You can't ride it by yourself yet" said Dad "Tony dropped us off, but he still had to drop off the triplets at Mrs. Rose's house. So we put my bike in the back of his truck" I inform Dad. "Alright. Hello Julian and who is this" said Dad calmer now "that's my older brother Justin" Julian tells Dad. "Are you guys here to going in" asked Dad "yes sir" answered Justin.
        "Well come on inside" said Dad and we all go inside the house. We walk in the house and Justin is still amazed by our house. "Wow" said Justin, I giggle lightly as we turn into the living room. "Hey Dylan" I say as I see him "hey" Dylan says back. "Dylan what are you doing here" asks Julian "since Bell's pregnant she isn't aloud to take part in this event. But I have to in her place" Dylan tells them. "Why can't she take part in tonight" asked Julian "because she could get hurt tonight" says Tony as I sit next to him.
        "Wait you can get hurt tonight" asked Justin "yep" says Nova as she walk in with her hands wrapped up. "Dallas already got you" I asked "yeah" she answers as she sits across from me. Justin and Julian look to me, but before I could tell them, they had time to back out. The clock struck six "yes" said Dallas appearing out of nowhere "let the game begin" he then locked the door. And disappeared again.
        "To late to back out now" says Mom as she drinks the rest of her wine. We all then stand up and pair up. "I'm with Justin" Nova called "Kara's with Julian" Nova then added "Dylan and Tony" said Mom "and your with me Anna" said Aunt Sally "that means we're together John" said Uncle Andrew. We then all headed into different parts of the house.

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